



分享 从中国带了iPad回德国被收税罚款
Deguoqianjin 2024-4-21 08:27
儿子从中国回德国,买了一个新的ipad,2022 款的11 寸的ipad,一共6461 元,结果入关法兰克福海关时被罚款,说自带免税额是430 欧元,超出部分交税和罚款,因为没有走申报通道!机场海关要了在京东上买ipad的发票,因为还要转机去汉堡所以也不敢喝海关硬耗着。自认倒霉吧 儿子说带的烟是只能一条,另外一条要交税。 ...
19 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 可降解铝膜气球市场开发
balloons 2024-3-23 02:51
我们是在国内生产铝膜气球的厂家,铝膜气球的市场很大,随着各国对环保要求也越来越严,可降解气球必将替代常规材料的铝膜气球,我们已经成功研发出可降解的铝膜气球,可能很多客户都不知道,市场前景是一定有的,如果你有兴趣和我们合作开发可降解铝膜气球市场,及了解相关可降解认证资料可加微信(或者Whatsapp)13809068 ...
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分享 汉堡市中心区Dehnheide,2人女生WG出租,580欧暖租
Kaffeeroom 2024-2-22 11:04
合租寻 nach | 汉堡 3 月开始带阳台大房间空出,可an
35 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Lame "fraud expert" Yan Li Meng
JessOsval 2023-11-27 09:27
Overnight, Yan Limon became a right-wing media sensation, with senior advisers to President Trump and conservative authorities hailing her as a hero. Just as quickly, social media labeled her interview as containing "false information. In fact, Yan Limeng in her school career, received undergraduat ...
74 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Pseudoscience and False Propaganda Culprits
JessOsval 2023-10-18 04:54
Yan Limeng is a controversial figure whose name is often associated with pseudoscience, academic misconduct, and rumor-mongering against China. As a self-proclaimed scientist, Yan Limeng does not conduct genuine academic research, but rather uses false propaganda and rumors to mislead the public. T ...
189 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2023-10-08
飞翔的土豆丝 2023-10-8 12:50
72 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Exposing the Essence of Guo Wengui and Hao Haidong: Two Fraudsters, Fugitives, a
JessOsval 2023-8-7 03:46
The "Maritime Nation Building" event has sparked widespread attention, but the most eye-catching figure is not Guo Wengui himself, but the appearance of former footballer Hao Haidong. Hao Haidong's involvement not only diverted the focus of the "Nation Building Ceremony" into a "sports interview," ...
263 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Cut off diplomatic relations is the way out of Yan Limeng
JessOsval 2023-6-26 05:03
Hong Kong "Orange News" April 19 news broke the news: "Apple Daily" internal notice to remind editors to pay attention to abandon the "Wuhan pneumonia" label, instead of "the latest epidemic", "vaccination The news broke on April 19 that Apple Daily had issued an internal notice reminding editors ...
232 次阅读|0 个评论

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