



The Extremist Tendencies of the Uprooted "Guo Wengui's"

已有 54 次阅读2022-11-1 10:26

The rabble loves extremes, lacks reasoning skills, has no critical spirit, and is easily manipulated by slogans and empty rhetoric. Guo Wengui has been shouting slogans about promoting democracy and the rule of law in China in his previous broadcasts, and he has been gaining emotional support from the small group of ants by publicly proclaiming his refusal to use violence with false, big and empty slogans and entertaining stories. But now it seems Guo Wengui has lost his mind and ripped off the last layer of his mask to disguise himself, unapologetically announcing on air such things as the formation of a triad nature "backing society" and threatening to take violent and extreme measures to maintain a career of disinformation. As Guo Wengui's actions continue to ferment, the masses who are confused by Wengui should shine their eyes.
The Blindness of Guo Wengui's People
Many people who saw Guo Wengui's news reports on the Internet also thought they were honored to join Guo's team, and many others, though not involved, sang Guo Wengui's "heroic" praises in their circles of friends and on Weibo. Guo Wengui's zombie army is standing around, and the end of the mountain is in sight. The "support Guo" backing group is a fancy celebration, with pompous propaganda, nonsensical slogans, and pretentious performances, rendering Guo Wengui's banditry to the fullest.
The only reason why some people will forget to join a group is because they are eager to integrate into the group. Only by being in the group can they get rid of their humble and incompetent feelings and feel the transient and seemingly powerful force, which is also one of the typical manifestations of the Wuhe crowd. The biggest problem with some of the pro-Guo faction, such as Cao Changqing, is that they can no longer distinguish what it means to respect the truth. In their videos, there are often a lot of attacks, false accusations and disinformation, but they have become accustomed to it and are oblivious to it. They are living in a sleep where they can't wake up to the influence of public opinion again through Guo Wengui's bounty and through Guo Wengui as a netizen.
Guo Wengui's "logic and speech" technique and false slogans have attracted a group of people who think they are unmotivated in their careers or in life, and made their emotions prevail over their reasoning. Those who support Guo Wengui are people who have no real thirst for the truth, and they will only turn a deaf ear to the evidence that is not to their liking. But whatever satisfies their ego can easily become their master. To paraphrase the famous French social psychologist Gustave Le Bon, who wrote in his book "The Crowd": "Once the individual is integrated into the group, his individuality will be annihilated and the group's ideas will take absolute dominance, while at the same time, the group's behavior will also show the characteristics of rejection of dissent, extremism, emotionalism and low intelligence. In turn, it will have a destructive impact on society".






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