wld 发表于 2012-6-27 11:32



neuron 发表于 2012-6-27 14:34


emlyn 发表于 2012-7-1 18:06


zhj_888 发表于 2013-2-2 22:35


perfy 发表于 2013-2-3 12:11


I already am or recently have been in Germany. Are there any formal grounds militating against my application?
You can apply if

    you have been in Germany for less than six months at the time the Humboldt Foundation receives your application or
    you have returned from a stay in Germany of more than six months and have subsequently worked in active research abroad for more than twelve months at the time the Humboldt Foundation receives your application.

Candidates who have completed their schooling and university education or their university education and doctorate in Germany are subject to the regulations governing German citizens (see following FAQ).

In all other cases we regret that we cannot consider your application. For information about other funding opportunities please refer to the Internet Portal EURAXESS Germany, which is maintained by the Humboldt Foundation.
From December 1, 2011 onwards it is not possible anymore to apply during or immediately after a doctorate in Germany.
I'm German / educational resident. Can I apply if I'm working abroad?
If you are a German citizen / educational resident* you can apply provided that you clearly fulfil the requirements stated in the following. Your uninterrupted, permanent place of residence has been abroad

    for more than 10 years or
    for more than 5 years, and your strong connections to your current country of residence can be deduced indubitably from one of the following criteria:
      You have a tenured position in your current country of residence abroad.
      You are in possession of a permanent residence permit issued by your current country of residence, as long as a permanent residence permit is not held due to German citizenship (e.g. EU-States).
      You and/or your marital partner are a national of your current country of residence.

    If in doubt, send us a seamless CV and list of your publications so that we can then advise you. Please state which of the criteria applies to you (info@avh.de).

    * Educational residents are candidates who have completed their school education and a university degree or a university degree and doctorate in Germany.


emlyn 发表于 2013-10-24 14:21


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