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发首自己翻唱的歌给兰州老乡~~~The Rose

发表于 2009-10-25 17:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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[wmv]http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/1256431052.mp3[/wmv]! \& l, T7 v! c1 |1 i; B' _2 Q
The Rose
) D8 l" s6 |* g3 t' [) w
. g- U! `" T1 Q3 a3 Z! L(Shane)
) [' ]2 C  C# [: USome say love, it is a river- i4 `" d8 Q4 g/ p7 _
that drowns the tender reed.
, j8 l! ]7 N: G3 `# wSome say love, it is a razor
8 s/ T$ o$ ?7 R; E( Z/ k0 Xthat leaves your soul to bleed.
7 U+ Y! o0 _8 p" V% @Some say love, it is a hunger,
. T" E: F, a( kan endless aching need.
* I* ?  L! [: E, D! l5 g* I  i, d. \I say love, it is a flower,: z# N1 M; y' l1 o% ?1 G' x6 W: I
and you its only seed.
( O6 Z" W9 {0 F1 a% Y1 k+ k  |  `) ?/ A% Z3 ^
0 y! i/ \+ S; X4 J- N; OIt's the heart afraid of breaking
# C, F4 R6 b% K: A' [! `& c/ V' Cthat never learns to dance.
+ k& b, q- C3 E9 R7 ?, K/ FIt's the dream afraid of waking
+ r# g) B$ ?5 n  a' M( \that never takes the chance.
) ^" D# {; O+ x* v! C7 |* aIt's the one who won't be taken,
( W  F6 o3 [" h: E% rwho cannot seem to give,# X" q  N+ e% t; B& C4 l

$ J5 i1 Q: C( w, m+ C
' h" i% ]' u: b1 [, R1 w. t; g(Shane)- Q/ B& l5 R) g% ~6 D
And the soul afraid of dyin'
( _( f+ R6 h$ k: ]9 q( y5 D+ xthat never learns to live.& z4 V  e/ ?" m9 D; Q& r2 N

  h6 W- R( ~' p  }" a(Shane, All)& M7 W: Z" Q% o' i  D$ P3 p
When the night has been too lonely! |/ X$ e! L  [& C
And the road has been to long
& Q8 o2 G7 E/ `& C' YAnd you think that love is only
( T+ i7 a: a+ e- uFor the lucky and the strong' W- G! \5 U1 S) e- P1 Z1 @6 F$ W

2 j+ O$ H/ |$ w9 v1 G1 b' n(Mark)
! L" n& m  D3 \5 h9 W# bJust remember in the winter9 L2 v2 w; \' k+ {5 U
Far beneath the bitter snows
( B9 H8 v$ B5 w0 w- l% y) f
0 e. Y* B  _! m) v5 _( z0 `# L: X(Shane)+ A' q* r7 C+ G% h  G
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
  g, J( }' k" n" bIn the spring becomes the rose.
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发表于 2012-1-16 00:21 | 显示全部楼层
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