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发表于 2012-4-12 14:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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5 g3 t8 g& R0 c. w2 w2012-04-11 20:49:03 gmw.cn 来源:新华网: e! [) M- o  s; r) I; Z+ l8 Z% Z) m% `
9 ~* c/ w/ `1 T( l/ Z" u6 w发送给好友
0 K! Q# f8 ~7 P. m" v新华网北京4月11日电 中共中央总书记胡锦涛11日向金正恩发去贺电,祝贺他被推举为朝鲜劳动党第一书记,贺电全文如下:
2 [, o8 |+ k+ l平壤: c0 F- T- [- `' s% N& d# L
5 f* q) e0 y  ]: ^7 _1 z" ?金正恩同志:; R2 K9 Q# ]2 S
欣悉朝鲜劳动党代表会议推举金正恩同志为朝鲜劳动党第一书记。我谨代表中国共产党中央委员会并以我个人名义向你和朝鲜劳动党中央委员会表示热烈祝贺。2 t4 d0 M; n1 o
我们欣慰地看到,朝鲜人民继承金正日同志遗志,紧密团结在朝鲜劳动党的周围,在金正恩同志领导下,努力建设社会主义强盛国家。' G0 J" ^9 {- x4 f
: s, `8 p! _. R6 N衷心祝愿第一书记同志和朝鲜劳动党在领导朝鲜人民建设强盛国家的事业中不断取得新的更大成就。- ^% d% ~. a# U. ], \
中国共产党中央委员会总书记8 P" ]# ~  T) P; u; c$ I
胡锦涛2 L' _9 c& p, K3 V3 X
/ M- n* h! A6 j3 ]; T6 f[责任编辑:苑红亮]
1 g9 ]4 \0 b* O: f3 Q/ R
' G! F* X. G- R8 w( _/ p! DHu Jintao sends Message to Kim Jong-Un to Congratulate him on his Appointment as the First Secretary of the Korean Workers' Party.
% ~7 i& {9 E  }) k% M9 q0 ^( g( {5 m+ |
- `2 g! B' i4 b* ^2012-04-11 20:49:03 Source: gmw.cn Origin: Xinhua Web  ?" t* l9 o5 G6 }2 q2 H; i

5 j) ?5 R  J, w1 Y4 p1 TXinhua Beijing 11 April report, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Hu Jintao, sent a congratulatory message to Kim Jong-Un today, congratulating him on his selection as the First Secretary of the Korean Workers' Party. The full text of the message is copied below:
5 g$ {& r6 t% ]/ [" J! u1 }7 f# i5 h& j6 D/ E
6 D. K# u! f3 @5 T6 M3 n1 T7 t  f# F9 u
First Secretary of the Korean Workers' Party: R+ V5 G9 T# V# d5 [+ J7 m
3 g# ]+ S. r  x* l$ a+ i
Comrade Kim Jong-Un:
0 e* n# ]/ j2 W: |0 l/ A% @! }$ B- c. b
I am extremely happy the Assembly of the Korean Worker's Party selected you as their First Secretary.  In behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, as well in accord with my own deepest personal feelings, I sincerely wish to express heartfelt congratulations to you and the Central Committee of the Korean Workers' Party.- \4 I7 B- \) K+ ~4 J" v3 l
% M! H2 O0 f8 q
We are pleased to see the successor of Comrade Kim Jong-Il's legacy, rallying closely around the Korean Workers' Party, and under the leadership of Comrade Kim Jong-Un, as it strives to build a mighty Socialist State.
* i, }+ e1 x+ i$ P% X
8 f3 k/ j$ ^, Y' e% t9 A& LOur two countries have always been friendly neighbors on both the land and the sea. Unceasing  development and consolidation our traditional relationship of friendship and cooperation remains the firm policy of the Chinese Government and Communist Party.  We remain willing to labor hand in hand with our Korean Comrades, continue to deepen our traditional friendship, expand our practical cooperative efforts in every field, and to promote lasting peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and across Northeast Asia.   We wish to nurture and grow the relationship that  previous leaders of our two countries personally worked so hard to establish and develop.
  |' F  d1 w) H- A+ x* E9 L8 j" X, B6 ^7 R) ^
It is our deepest wish that you and the Korean Workers' Party while leading the people of Korea in building a mighty nation meet unending new and greater achievements.
+ r3 k& C# j& y2 j; H7 Q+ E- e( t. w1 H8 ^! y
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party+ V. u- g( K( B# b" m  p
% y2 L  O0 z$ \$ J7 h( n
Hu Jintao, I% b' I& w8 X: S3 H4 ~
0 \( g- j- M0 R2 P8 z
11 April, 2012; Beijing! x* P& F6 P; J$ o0 S3 t

2 _8 q5 b& @$ h" BResponsible Editor : Yuan Hongliang
8 F% U* Y3 Z/ _2 Y! v$ n8 u! g
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