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Jerry英语口语学习笔记 - Updated on 09 June. 2014

发表于 2013-10-28 22:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 jerrygong 于 2014-6-10 22:12 编辑 0 T1 Q# m* w+ p) R9 y' U

6 g4 A" r! r6 K& `) I5 X2 t: F* A独乐乐,与人乐乐,孰乐!
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-28 22:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jerrygong 于 2013-10-28 23:06 编辑 & d3 I7 @, j, H! ~: ?$ Z& \
" S: c% Q7 Y7 u1 `. t
Make It Or Break It Season 2 Episode 1
- E/ h# h/ K7 l/ ]% X4 m( A  U2 r8 N" o& c! Q# k
, v4 ]5 Y5 f+ [4 `7 s  M. yMy little buddy and I were totally stunned        
7 ~2 H2 W+ ]- E9 a- f0 `  A$ N+ V- A
that's sick        
& l8 c0 J& z1 q9 P' M. i俩意思        
1 |( t& U8 w% X, `9 B一个是看到一个特恶心特残忍的人或者事,你说that's sick,意思跟有神经病啊差不多        
5 ?" F  h3 i9 m一个是年轻人爱用的,看到一个特厉害特有意思的事,说that's sick,是在夸它        
3 ?; w5 e7 J( u, Z$ R8 n- X; C7 x8 z- O, b7 _
Smoking age        & H) w' r7 c, \8 o% \
The minimum legal age to purchase or smoke cigarettes or tobacco products varies from country to country. Ages range from 15[citation needed] to 21.        5 |8 q7 q# B6 A$ a# A2 X. L: q1 ?/ n
        9 G" l( @1 Y0 S, S" n
bring it (on)        1 r  c1 C) T; ]' ]$ B! r
放马过来        6 K5 h+ Q0 O$ F+ I1 J1 e, G" x

/ G$ W+ ^8 A; h) V8 B8 S% m2 Woff the hook        
. z( ?1 U0 @) \; `) R1 Cfreed from an obligation. (Alludes to a fish freeing itself from a fishhook. *Typically: be ~; get ~; get someone ~; let someone ~.)         , ^8 a/ A# `, ?  |* ]& [
Thanks for getting me off the hook. I didn't want to attend that meeting.
0 i, g' |( R7 Q% C4 X* TI couldn't get myself off the hook no matter what I tried.
' s+ h8 m: f7 z. s+ @
# C  v( X* G0 i; Y6 Q# ?" Whaving avoided a difficult situation
/ q. K+ R/ h( d1 Y. d% E0 HHe's just happy to be off the hook on that harassment charge.0 D5 C' O1 A5 p" ^
Usage notes: often used with the verbs get or let: She got him off the hook by lending him her class notes.
$ C2 B( D- Q( q# L5 G" `
+ g# d1 u: z# Tattitude
1 C# c) r( u* Y# @[戏剧](表演时的)姿势;. z$ i8 Z$ Y2 p
lots of attitue
1 z7 S+ _6 C8 T9 ~9 _# D4 a$ Q6 }) i8 O
vengeful9 K: L; ~% K: z" g% ^
; k, {# j. K8 _7 `Then can be very vengeful
- I% \& e3 _9 M& \: ^: u; `- U" l9 r
for good 9 u. Q- o- z$ y  y# }* J( D
永远6 h( H" n  A% f) L, g0 H1 ?2 G4 _
The theater closed down for good.* w1 r  `9 J8 C9 s4 ]. T8 \- `
  ^$ q. L: v! R0 u/ i" a" a
% E. a/ J- K2 R% Z2 `/ y# d) _/ Gfor good and all. y0 \- |1 V# r" u+ Y, }; Q# b
, A7 N) Z3 R6 d. h! O# a0 a; G" n- q- i8 Z3 K4 G$ C# J; b# r$ d, P
intoxicated ' G3 }0 o& _- _. e, v1 P7 \8 C
( \# {% g1 X( W$ d' K, d! v, o, C- n- s% i3 B+ g& s/ S
He appeared intoxicated, police said. 他看上去喝醉了,警察说4 t" R, Q8 f# W1 k8 x8 {

$ o- X+ j$ M' N' ]7 U' w7 C陶醉的;极其兴奋的;忘乎所以的 If you are intoxicated by or with something such as a feeling or an event, you are so excited by it that you find it hard to think clearly and sensibly.  
$ o/ x# k4 O! K. g% T" A/ hThey seem to have become intoxicated by their success... 他们似乎陶醉在成功的喜悦中。
, H  m. T+ M3 z. D
8 L; i) g" T, p- p, d' H+ a1 @limelight% r, R9 @) u6 g* H& D
众人注目的中心7 O6 E5 s5 t; f$ C3 U1 Q
When I was President, I was always in the limelight there was no privacy.0 E1 P3 l8 c2 g. ?/ o: W, C
我当总统时一直为公众瞩目,谈不上私人的生活。  H( u) K/ X5 g
- b: U+ U: d. }4 _/ D
ever since; s/ X0 f3 b" k# o; G
adv. 从那时到现在; l- V% D6 s+ V! m' q3 h" O
He's been in the doldrums ever since she left him.
' l: x  V1 _2 B4 Z$ N( E" l9 [4 w自从她离开他以来,他一直很消沉, O1 C8 c0 U6 C, _. i: P2 T6 }
But he never showed up and he is been avioding me ever since; Y$ [6 F: x) O

: V6 T: K5 N5 Q$ R1 ?. ZConceited
% [# c  [, M3 A, Q自负的;傲慢的;自高自大的 If you say that someone is conceited, you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they are far too proud of their abilities or achievements.
9 y$ R* x- F# I0 P& y) L; }$ athought him conceited and arrogant... 我认为他既自负又傲慢。! P+ o+ _) W2 o) D

7 ?3 e5 X2 ^2 Dbeat sb. to it 抢先8 I- P8 k8 C( g2 O3 z
i was going to take the seat but another man beat me to it 我刚要坐下,另一个人抢在我前面了 / z( I& b# {/ T1 s. X) ?- x  y

$ @; H: c2 P/ {$ N( R& m9 yunanimous
% a' A, N! E3 @0 `2 _3 m" a[ju'nænɪməs]
1 ^9 }5 a. G% l9 F所有人)一致同意的,全体一致的,无异议的 When a group of people are unanimous, they all agree about something or all vote for the same thing.9 ~/ _/ r" K, @* ?5 s3 {
The board of ministers unanimously approved the project last week.上周长执会一致批准了这个项目。0 m" d4 j6 g8 n" U8 m4 R9 z
2 S' B: ~& }8 p& G9 f5 p0 ^: Y
宣誓效忠7 C& j0 e0 N5 G% A# z
I pledge my allegiance to the National Gymnastics Organization
; o# S  Z5 g3 D; S[ə'liːdʒəns]
1 {' y; ^" q& w3 w" J3 V  R6 c! K. W3 Y# a' y+ G
back in the day
' J- Z$ y8 C2 H! Y9 D% V/ o% f在过去,在以前" u( l4 r+ h+ M6 _0 P
' E+ I: v% C" y- ]4 a' z: PRemember back in the day when we waited for the stars in the corn field.记得我们那时候在玉米地里看星星。 + c9 b, a% P8 _; M! S2 L
I was an elite gymnast,too,back in the day 过去 我也是个很出色的体操运动员( j9 s, ?! b( ~0 f$ C7 d
+ O: k/ s# O* ^3 u5 P) H4 o
expedite9 `0 k! _2 j4 v" q
['ekspədaɪt] ; g/ v3 t0 ?: |! W: U6 N
vt. 加快进展
! {: C) d# X; C5 k& Y  n8 ~% K$ wPlease do what you can to expedite the building work. 请尽量加快建工作$ t0 g1 W$ s9 ?. n4 a

; ?9 A5 Y* ]# N* j1 O5 Y风衣
4 x3 H  Q+ X% F$ p' nwindbreaker. G9 ^, O5 @- O7 w5 s9 g4 {6 Q
trench coat* L) Y9 T) ?' q3 G
wind coat
! ~7 x8 @: _9 X: Y9 g2 G# X, H/ [
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-29 00:05 | 显示全部楼层
Desperate Wife Season 1 Episode 1
* P: A/ s0 m* v1 P. v' ?& C; y3 Y" ^0 k0 R! J8 t8 Y+ i/ I
inspire6 b4 t8 g/ W$ m% I% H/ e
启发;使产生灵感和热情If someone or something inspires you, they give you new ideas and a strong feeling of enthusiasm.4 x+ I6 j9 z/ a! M  s' Z4 e3 s
Jimi Hendrix inspired a generation of guitarists. 吉米·亨德里克斯启发了整整一代吉他演奏者& K& K( Z6 {1 y5 k" q
The book was inspired by a real person, namely Tamara de Treaux. 那本书的灵感源于一个真实人物,即塔玛拉·德特罗。7 H( n/ z5 i5 O  z" |2 p* W! g

5 w$ p8 g" Y! V激励;鼓舞;驱使;使产生热情If someone or something inspires you to do something new or unusual, they make you want to do it.
- h$ k2 K1 q9 i" F( RAnd what inspired you to change your name? 是什么促使你改名的?- ]( o# Z% H+ b+ G/ B1 ~8 ~/ K

1 F9 x1 I: a6 q2 p2 h9 t; }, l& tsoothe
3 b* X6 b# z2 J% f[suːð]
4 r+ `; @( F' h$ {1. VERB 安抚;抚慰;使平静 If you soothe someone who is angry or upset, you make them feel calmer.
: N/ X% P7 O4 B$ ^: y% k/ j2 WHe would take her in his arms and soothe her... 他会把她揽在怀中抚慰她。! }- J9 T3 N! W7 l5 u
, p# z3 w; B; P6 v5 o# }' [* ZPut on some nice soothing music...播放一些柔和舒缓的音乐。7 |( F4 k( D4 B

% e* J1 J* U1 ]# n! N2. VERB 减轻,缓和(身体的痛处或不适) Something that soothes a part of your body where there is pain or discomfort makes the pain or discomfort less severe. , {; E1 G3 z) }4 ^/ F! u
...body lotion to soothe dry skin.滋润干燥皮肤的润肤液5 K3 l' K/ m, d' h, c5 K; ]
soothing7 a4 `% x$ d$ G$ I! P5 ~7 K
Cold tea is very soothing for burns.凉的茶水非常有助于减轻烧伤灼痛。
! N% c$ f$ ^) |3 d1 c   
* |- ]1 Q: l8 [0 zunattended0 H6 C+ O. }, @1 f2 b8 `
ADJ 无人照料的;无人看管的 When people or things are left unattended, they are not being watched or looked after. ' s- d$ V4 f: l
Never leave young children unattended near any pool or water tank...千万不能放任小孩呆在水池或水槽附近不管。
  {0 o5 ~2 S. O. l! G; \An unattended bag was spotted near the platform at Gatwick…在盖特威克机场站的站台附近发现了一个无主袋子。
5 L& \5 w8 Z1 B# |- e3 |5 g, e( [' t: S, g
开始干起来( l( L- n  p1 ^6 K0 O
Okay, then let's get the show on the road and I'll stop bugging you. 好,那么让我们开始动起来,我将不再惹你生气。
0 m# B! L) f0 M/ \) Y4 v! O9 ^. a6 |& ?- S0 }% m* W
act up8 n4 {) J; M) G
(孩子)耍脾气,捣蛋 If a child is acting up, they are behaving badly.  
# t: \! D3 }9 P- CIf any of you act up I will call Santa1 s6 w( l+ _# R% i! [( o: ?0 _

) B$ H2 S2 M4 b; j. \well up! N0 R/ W2 t/ q% v& t$ O( a
5 |$ D! B( b0 h& `0 q( @: STears well up in one's eyes.泪如泉涌。" X3 ~! p+ P5 B% `& I9 k' o

7 v  u) F! ^6 S' tpredatory' a  Z; Y# A7 E& g0 b4 G1 N
['predətɔːri]: z6 q5 D- S0 f
1. ADJ (动物)捕食性的 Predatory animals live by killing other animals for food. ; \2 B/ o/ x8 ]: R8 M5 I
...predatory birds like the eagle.像鹰一样的捕食性动物
- a, m6 L  u4 p, l8 ]. r' a7 ~# U' y
, c/ ]# l1 e0 t0 D, ?8 L: dPeople who run small businesses are frightened by the predatory behaviour of the banks.小公司经营者被银行的掠夺行为吓坏了。- n. g: r& L  @) c

2 I0 _& ]/ _6 ]predatory pricing - cutting prices to a level that drives competitors out of business. It is one of the key benefits which multinational corporation use to compete with its national focus competitors.5 x0 o" b& P3 A. y' G5 h
$ F  D- R3 o. u; O/ [! a
4 m! G+ ?- \  Oice lolly
$ V' }5 h3 s9 ~7 wPopsicle
8 Y& I& ]! D& _+ D. n- \frozen sucker5 F7 Q, |: A/ R  k9 h# F
7 k( k9 t/ J" v* X) t' M; S
Buckle up
9 `9 v6 q% M7 q4 {系上安全带& f$ s0 U# j. J9 O. ~1 X  p

. r3 R: M2 m+ d0 Uwillful8 @6 m& X4 s; \/ q; f. t; p) t/ e
( q/ v8 m7 K- x* @, a9 ^9 d1 kShe was a willful child.她是个任性的孩子。
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发表于 2013-10-29 01:01 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-30 01:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jerrygong 于 2013-11-2 23:09 编辑
+ p& R* m# r) s% R# [* x: b9 y2 @  v; u  l. C% c( }, g0 X
Phrase2 \0 M4 M/ _  S* `2 I4 j  Z( q

8 z9 m) c4 `4 `+ Yin good hands
" `) H, o1 h6 ?2 k2 p) _Fig. in the safe, competent care of someone. 9 A$ E6 ?% f- I  _, z
Don't worry. Your children are in good hands. Sally is an experienced baby-sitter. / G- @0 l9 ~8 `  V
Your car is in good hands. My mechanics are factory-trained.* ]* I8 x' e' P2 {9 ]6 u& g* I
Are u in good hands7 U% ?+ e. `* I- n4 W
2 V4 r8 g$ @& k- q2 u
take someone by surprise 使吃惊* ?  D, I2 V. x: C- M- X8 K6 R
She slides the panel back,he turns,and it takes him by surprise3 z3 x" q& X% a' x
+ o  ^% C, z8 |  m. u5 ]
not quite; M( [1 H, ?1 m8 s2 r$ M+ p7 v
The translation does not quite correspond to the original. 译文不切原意。0 [0 @+ R! c; U  g7 X
I am not quite about twenty。我还不到二十岁。* z5 a* A* B0 O; z, _
The boy might have known the truth, but I am not quite sure. 这男孩当时也许知道真相,但我不很确定。
' a+ E$ t7 E+ b; ~Actually, that's not quite right.实际上,那不完全对。
# ~5 J( X% n) O0 p1 h
* e% H% t% J1 T& |# T" h8 Eup to
. g  U: ^$ m4 j' n5 Iwhat are you up to tonight? : Busy or occupied with
5 {3 Z. f! c8 N3 IHow have you been up to?$ M) H9 E# b, z- @8 d3 t4 @
up to something:physically or mentally capable of something胜任,能做;足以应付9 z1 y) z) p1 Z* k

( Z8 V+ I* L* }% L% s3 R: V4 ugrab a bite2 Y# F5 g$ H: R8 r" ?- o
grab a bite (to eat) 吃点什么 e.g. you wanna go grab a bite or something?想去吃点什么吗?, m' K9 d, g+ \& u0 f

8 ~/ J* `( o9 x2 h# ?8 d% N% m4 Nwide awake% v  J7 t, H8 k) a$ {- h
ADJ 完全清醒的;完全醒着的 If you are wide awake, you are completely awake.
( r/ V; g9 O  l9 {8 _6 O9 {I could not relax and still felt wide awake. Q$ f8 g8 f4 ]- N

2 v3 D. g% \# d% Q* C, m# N/ D/ kcome on to / V2 N* w0 \+ X4 e# X7 v+ v
对...轻薄;吃豆腐+ \5 l9 R% w+ c5 }- ]7 \. q
Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
5 |$ ]4 |( F- h# ~1 ~
1 s' N6 n  w1 G; s0 ^push around' ?. t" \; a4 P, g# n
1. PHRASAL VERB 把…差来遣去;摆布;使唤 If someone pushes you around, they give you orders in a rude and insulting way
) l- p1 \2 p( P; |  d$ U1 rWe don't like somebody coming in with lots of money and trying to push people around. 我们不想有人拿着很多钱加入,试图到处使唤人。
6 |1 H& V( n  {$ U( u( s: U1 q) E. n% L3 y1 i1 W1 s* _
joy ride) M; p% Y" @" X& G& M: U  K
兜风7 {( ^: }' u$ C3 m" S# m9 ^/ W0 H
Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。
, C5 l/ r+ H0 D: w- E2 o* \% w2 [3 P* R  \
go up in smoke
4 I" E5 Y! C6 t0 o  A0 M# |9 Q成为泡影/ t3 q: u! l+ H6 ]+ H
Peter’s vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office. 办公室出了问题,peter的假期泡汤了。 5 |) S) F5 E5 i7 O/ Y5 p

: j, w+ `% M6 X7 G9 W# xtake the rap
5 `/ Q8 c) M$ t4 @- b5 i4 E顶罪,背黑锅
6 F- j( K4 T7 K/ z& oI'm not going to take the rap for you. 我不打算替你顶罪。
7 H4 [/ Y1 O; f% z9 A: f; \  X0 I1 F4 M" Y5 T! N, R0 X( S" c8 Y
it's just my cup of tea
& l6 H3 m! g6 G* h5 E正合偶的口味,指人,事等等
. ^1 }7 I# c9 ^1 h8 E$ IIt's not my cup of tea. It's too bright.它不合我的口味,颜色太鲜了。
- P- J& l% g9 J3 z* P/ t
5 ]# U' [3 d" O- j- B/ jto my taste
% K: L" o) j- W& MThe salad is to my taste. 这个沙拉符合我的口味+ G$ a' S2 @' D& R0 u1 V5 w
Do you find skiing or jogging more to your taste?你觉得是滑雪还是慢跑更合你的口味?  U' _. h+ W8 S5 U8 A/ V
, F# ?  k& G1 k
call/phone in sick2 C) B, T& Y& M4 P9 ]- W
打电话请病假4 ^, y$ h# f/ j, s8 C
I will call in sick for you. Just stay at home and rest for the day.我会帮你打电话请病假。你今天就在家里休息吧!0 e: b8 g; Z* @6 Z- H

: M; p- H- d2 P  R( _flip through) V8 I6 h, |0 l$ I$ \( |) z
将一翻而过(浏览)& }2 K, I- C) B7 u: a; x) h
I haven't read the book properly, I just flipped through it to see what it was like.我没有真正地看过这本书,只是浏览了一下看是关于什么的罢了。       : a; ~3 s4 ]  f* e' J
I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting.我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。+ j9 j% S) T/ V' a  w: r% a& t0 E

9 W4 E5 [2 k0 s/ V" U# N7 B1 K  Rmake a fuss about (=make too much fuss)
+ |  d( z9 N2 [5 Q& h大惊小怪; 小题大做; 无事自扰' j- a! S0 `0 {$ w6 A1 m9 `
make a fuss about trifles
0 j( h) G! v) E+ A! z& c2 o. S' n8 T! Z9 w
Play hooky
0 V5 @( E$ a  ^2 C旷工、旷课=cut classes=skip classes['huki]
# L# J6 H! e% @Though he often plays hooky, he does well in study. 他经常逃学,然而他的功课却很好。
  p% D1 k7 ]' g1 k. }$ \9 T" g6 {3 I* d+ }( t. Q' T5 \* J
wishful thinking/ l9 a) q- Y% l5 `$ V) e6 j  p
3 D- p- H' |# g& B9 rIt's only his own wishful thinking. 这只是他自己一厢情愿。
1 q1 I, K# R$ w7 W# N' J: f8 ]2 R( F& B& }( N3 F
talk big=brag 吹牛
5 T6 |$ r# j) ?) C4 I吹牛
3 i3 O! d9 u: y  p; t/ W& OI don't believe all he says about the profits he is making; ever since I have known him he has liked to talk big.他说他如何如何赚钱,我就不太相信,我们认识以来他总是喜欢吹牛。- c0 o& {  `6 b6 f* K
Stop bragging!别吹牛!( e0 N7 w3 l# V% V3 v0 m! l
& L( B2 Q9 I! {
rack one's brains 绞尽脑汁
7 ?* H3 \& [7 V0 f) V) r* E- |* a, J绞尽脑汁
5 j7 F* @; n3 h* }- GEven after racking his brains he couldn't think of a single example.即使绞尽脑汁,他还是连一个例子也想不出来。
1 y) t8 [5 v. I$ M; V' |# m1 [: V
* k( x5 a* h! {- `( z+ V0 Din view of
# |# c2 q: K0 Y鉴于(由...看来,考虑到,由于)( b. ]( _8 J& B3 k2 K% S0 o/ v
In view of our long-standing relationship, we agree to allow you a discount.考虑到我们长期的关系, 我方同意给你方折扣。
* C: b+ C) I( y) k( g& A# Q8 B  h2 L8 M3 T1 L' _
be in season
( `/ d$ L- U/ ]6 {正是吃````的好季节,比如西瓜,草莓,苹果桃子什么的
, z9 G4 F, r/ V) _Strawberries are cheaper when they're in season.草莓当令时便宜些.; J& `& _. F" M( _% v
+ _& @+ t& Y" x7 l
on the market
  U+ r/ {: s+ [1 Q7 J% _0 y" c上市' I" m. `: k5 C; h) z# @# t
These computers are not yet on the market.这些计算机还未上市。
6 R: `* \# \; `* b4 O' b
: [, I4 b6 p  y! w5 m1 tto the best of my knowledge~~~~~~9 K% l% C. m- v' @( I  @
=As far as i know, ~~~~~~~~~~~~4 [( B5 F( D. n; U7 Y+ y( ~
* m2 u* J, f; f( M% }) i/ B- [
; ]  `% A" v# f2 w% W& jtry one's luck
5 U+ K3 t  G% O" r/ H" q碰运气
' _2 a+ U% q& E& n! JI think I'll try my luck at roulette.我想玩玩轮盘赌碰碰运气。 [ru:'let] % G2 }2 K% A8 t  P# o) Z( }5 m4 j
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-2 01:41 | 显示全部楼层
Words - No explain0 C! a2 x2 ?1 X6 H8 e
- T! ]  l3 H- |& @
Sports names               
( _$ n' N# d5 j# L3 b! u2 }/ vbullfighting         斗牛       
7 b- R/ M; p# R2 _" \- csumo        相扑         ['su:məu]
. U% B! V+ d6 I! m+ }judo        柔道        ['dʒuːdəʊ]  Y! A' E) B+ Z6 w' N& ]6 _
fencing        击剑       
" x; Z5 ~% i" A% Bsoftball        垒球        / B4 e* C' G4 P
hockey        冰球        4 Q! y* G# w8 I' `# J0 ?# x( U
field hockey        曲棍球       
  B4 U/ v! z$ x2 FAthletics        田径        [æθ'letɪks] + ^2 x8 M* y# z/ ]2 ]
Archery        射箭       
4 v' y3 z% o# Z/ Wwrestling        摔跤        + ~2 G5 h2 |7 Y' R# B" r8 c2 B" G
Pilates        普拉提        [pɪ'lɑːtiːz] 3 j* l+ E, D0 |6 A5 R7 P
marathon                ['mærəθən]
: T; \3 e6 G' ~( {: J                + k& d" @' C$ A3 O5 c4 j5 y
sport related                + q7 z6 x+ x# U1 H8 Q
Pistol        手枪        ['pɪstl] : \3 _+ q( X( Z) F  X3 b) s
Rifle        步枪        " ?3 l2 L( u0 q1 M
Stopwatch        秒表        ( N1 W5 U5 v6 }9 k. B/ `
sleigh/sled        雪橇        4 n* D! G/ c6 {/ r
sumo ring         相扑场地        : Y- }/ F) \' G
bout        回合        [baut]
; ~' B9 w! G! ], b% _4 R( n, {# L5 ZOn Your Mark        各就各位       
% @/ ^% S: V+ b% _athlete        运动员        ['æθliːt]
( B4 Y, r' B3 E. T. s0 Z9 w8 @' A7 s3 N6 P9 a. f2 U
weightlifting                3 Y5 b0 ~& t8 N* i8 V
barbell        杠铃       
: {: S- Z) [# `% E5 w4 ?/ `good lift        成功       
, _  `7 {; D8 W1 y9 Ono lift        失败        4 h" G* W; {8 R, _$ W, G* X% I
attempt        试举       
" F, b  o; ?% ~) i0 F, M$ LA lifter is allowed three attempts to achieve a "good lift"                6 u; e1 N" D7 m4 s' D9 e7 s
he will judge whether the lift is a "good lift" or a "no lift."                ! H& j  V- E! s
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-3 01:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jerrygong 于 2014-1-3 00:17 编辑 ! s) a0 T# G9 x7 V; F& |

+ Z$ a% M# Q/ X# ^/ K5 L5 l, g Friends  Season 1 Episode 1-It.All.Began
/ @3 J  n: {4 r# `3 A
' {8 k7 d4 K  r& O8 d* P" ^aura                        7 {2 m/ I8 s8 }3 b
2 F' i! J+ ^) m( X- X' A9 F+ b$ f, s灵气                       
! Q# Y5 q' y4 l6 |2 z+ `Stop cleasing my aura.                        # a& ~+ w$ X/ n4 u0 i

% A' A5 @  l' p0 D% Hwig/hairpiece 假发                       
1 V& X! W: l0 ]9 O1 h" J) F- lSo does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?他有驼背么?有假发的驼子?                       
/ o, o% I/ {8 Z9 H' L# i" o# m
/ R6 Y% t" A$ g- ghysterical                         8 o% z, I3 ~9 @) Q5 c5 N/ @
[hɪ'sterɪkl]                        # R+ y' B0 p( x
% u( H+ B8 h+ U& S) _" pOh really, so that hysterical phone call I got from a sobbing woman at 3:00 A.M., "I'll never have grandchildren, I'll never have grandchildren." was what?  A wrong number?                       
2 e" I/ J% e) J6 b" ]' k, b: W8 d. }
strip joint(nightclub )                        $ r3 E7 U: C( I0 f3 X3 h8 ?& h
% n, N. m9 V% q% n1 k5 s/ U3 astriptease
% s! ?+ w) [# H% ?) n5 l脱衣舞
( P4 j$ n- B4 I7 ^( A" g# P- a8 x% J" K
& t0 {2 r- `) ^7 K- E& b& T比喻 隐喻1 t- Q- S5 j: I# R
It's a metaphor, Daddy!( r' @5 ?& u- i! |" B# h

% Z2 V) {) `! M' V代糖
1 U+ }+ F' q$ Y0 {! s: @sweetener% ?5 R- u5 [+ p1 H8 h% z
Sweet'n Low
# M; k! M( g% [, K. G3 r5 P
+ @; I- q2 ?$ h8 P: Z% `3 F/ ]- G3 Zdrift apart" V0 }0 \- }+ {0 h$ R& G
8 @( s, b0 u9 B+ F. D0 HAfter twelve years of marriage,the two people began to drift apart.) a, n: W' K$ h; j4 G3 R1 ?
I know that you and I have kinda drifted apart, but you're the only person I knew who lived here in the city.
, l" Q  Y2 M7 w5 l! C9 j$ _
" n, j8 O: Y3 F) rget screwed + G0 ]* l6 R5 ]$ G* W. j& M
1. Sl. to have sexual intercourse. (Considered a crude usage.) A lot of the college kids on spring break in Florida do nothing but get drunk and get screwed.4 ^# Y6 g6 P: H9 q- ?- F% x
2. Sl. to get cheated. I really got screwed on that last deal.0 O- @1 I; _9 X
0 R% R( r, |( ~% \
on a roll 接踵而至的成功
; G- D1 o/ u9 _2 Lin the midst of a series of successes. 6 B' X) u8 l  U6 n
Don't stop me now. I'm on a roll.
  ~" E% a9 _$ X  ^Things are going great for Larry. He's on a roll now.7 W7 r4 y4 T& q) d

1 i7 ^/ \- b& Zlaugh someone out of something
: S1 y$ ]8 k0 j2 t6 r6 ?to force someone to leave a place by laughing in ridicule.
. v* J# o* x2 GThe citizens laughed the speaker out of the hall.
) L( C! Y) {- g7 u- M/ IWe laughed the city council out of the auditorium.
# U, V  n" {8 b* k
( U6 L3 v4 ]/ Q5 E' h8 M$ G; W, [# ~walk out on somebody/something4 x. L( A' E) U: O0 I
to suddenly end your relationship with someone or something
& S( Q1 f- F6 G6 B% AShe walked out on her husband and two children after 12 years of marriage.& J) B6 ?# H/ J8 n
Why would anyone walk out on a seven-year contract that includes a share of the profits?.3 j5 q# r' E4 `4 r
Paul: Ever since she walked out on me, I, uh…+ w6 }8 I* C. R7 o' n/ [

7 }1 ~- V( X9 j4 Kspell something out 
$ W  Y' G; v% C$ |7 k1. Lit. to spell something (with letters).
5 _+ ]: {0 y) j- @7 ~I can't understand your name. Can you spell it out? Please spell out all the strange words so I can write them down correctly.
( O: h5 A" B0 l5 o8 w1 K2. Fig. to give all the details of something. - B5 ^% ?0 p% q* k
I want you to understand this completely, so I'm going to spell it out very carefully. The instruction book for my computer spells out everything very carefully.
! y. ?4 i5 F3 r7 c7 t  `$ T/ m3 X( GThe instruction book for my computer spells out everything very carefully.
: C: `# N+ z* J  T. v8 J9 a
, _  \3 I7 S- i5 ~+ O2 n! I) Zcrash+ Z+ O, ^% J: g& h
v 临时在哪儿凑合一觉。
/ M7 }) W' }" R6 d) y( gMonica: Well, that's it (To Ross) You gonna crash on the couch?
/ G; l$ v/ T8 D+ C% Q1 _# k+ p2 h- `: C$ h1 K' r" }. N
for the best! ]% y* H$ u. F, m8 j( x
good in spite of the way it seems; better than you think or than it appears to be. (Often said when someone dies after a painful illness.)
1 \& @- `2 h; h* f  }I'm very sorry to hear of the death of your aunt. Perhaps it's for the best./ j4 d4 O5 {1 Q8 o- ~
Monica: Okay, look, this is probably for the best, y'know? Independence. Taking control of your life.  The whole, 'hat' thing.) ]/ J1 ?" b% w2 L; ^# A% g% [0 }
; y. v1 f3 @4 ?/ A, K
let go of someone or something: x' Y+ `# g$ y2 F" Y/ b
% B- q4 V! X4 w* I. LPhoebe:  If I let go of my hair, my head will fall off.
, h# y, }+ p. Q8 G- H9 Y( {He let go of the coat and it fell in the water. 他的手一松,手里的外衣就掉到水里了。
8 ?. P# l) f& D   
: Y$ b; a$ y; `' Kdone with
' Q9 b  M% z: y% r% W; l3 sfinished with someone or something./ ?4 a6 o$ B- h0 R  A
Mary is done with Bill. She has found another boyfriend.
* ^. a8 Y: r9 j- u" ]When John graduated from school, he decided that he was done with study for good and all.
$ U. m6 d8 Q/ y, V( ]( S9 y0 Q4 t7 XI agree. I'll be glad when we are done with all these exams.
# s$ A; f0 b; p- C  kDone with the bookcase!$ L! [+ c- J- a: L; Q
2 q; A' U/ i, [( p. a9 E
catch on- `% P6 a) D3 |8 h" F( h; Y, M
1. PHRASAL VERB 明白;认识到 If you catch on to something, you understand it, or realize that it is happening. - L, ]- P+ ~% o& U) z
Paul: I know, I know, I'm such an idiot. I guess I should have caught on when she started going to the dentist four and five times a week. I mean, how clean can teeth get?
5 y4 e" Y* K0 J& oWait a minute! I'm beginning to catch on. 等一下!我开始有点懂了。
" I2 X* m" X% t( G4 M% Q" {# R2. PHRASAL VERB 时兴;流行 If something catches on, it becomes popular.
' ]0 ~" g! m1 E& NThe idea has been around for ages without catching on.这个观点已经提出来有年头了,可是一直没被广泛接受
3 J1 v( i8 K& h+ [3 ^5 ~$ U* e$ p( N6 q* p3 c
steer/stay clear of something/somebody $ ]( g! G( k2 N) Z" L) p
to avoid something or someone because they are dangerous or bad for you
+ B3 V, N) J" t; S8 Q. ?7 e) EI'd steer clear of Joe if I were you - he'll only cause trouble. 4 V! s; i3 D5 U3 y: a2 L0 m2 U
I try to steer clear of heavy meals these days.' D' d4 p- c( S2 J% u
Paul: Ooh, steer clear of you.
% _. q6 y* t6 c1 G/ Q1 }& HRoss: Well, you may wanna steer clear of the word 'dumped'. 6 \. W" b: v! t5 R# d

3 c9 c' N( U, Y/ glive off5 X0 [  `, N" V0 E1 \5 c. U
if you live off someone that is where you get the money that you need.依赖 ... 生活, x$ ~9 K3 n& V0 H  M
you can’t live off your parents you whole life6 B6 B4 A$ Y$ t* q  ]& i; t
9 f4 E$ I2 j+ ~3 T
8 T) s. a0 w$ r: a$ Fto focus one's eyes or attention on 盯着某物看/把注意力集中于8 t9 v6 n) l# ?9 o
Ross: No!! Okay?! Why does everyone keep fixating on that? She didn't know, how should I know?靠 你们这帮家伙 能不能别说这个拉
7 o( C! k' H! k8 q" z5 O
) _# U8 X8 J; }3 |grab a bite
! c0 P) N4 N4 g5 D' {2 c% w" ngrab a bite (to eat) 吃点什么 e.g. you wanna go grab a bite or something?想去吃点什么吗?
& Q; j% W4 A; \& H+ ~( R  ! z7 u  ^" [: m0 E* z( Y+ i# ^7 |
to hell with) ?: h: e! R* s4 p, M9 a/ m2 f
. 让...见鬼去吧3 ^, n) Q' X  Y2 X: t  S
Ross: No I don't. To hell with her, she left me. 没错,我不会的,去她的,她甩掉我!4 j, e, @" j) Q3 F; [( q+ v+ [- C7 p

. ?; x; M3 U1 Gall better+ N8 Z2 X$ W6 b0 W
less sick/ill or unhappy
3 y: R- K& ?& j) i- K/ [I am all better now.不通啦 心情好啦 没事了
: }* ~4 ]" r! ]# v
9 |8 _. @" a4 u( C3 s8 @  Gline up
0 y5 F- w+ l) I4 \7 F* Jto form a line; to get into a line. " ~+ U' Z% Z( f" E
All right, everyone, line up!
- v1 c$ ^+ `* D8 C: t+ a, E# g5 {4 [5 \& z
5 j- N8 i1 T2 h& K6 _line someone or something up (in something)
6 h4 E) `1 W- h9 @to put people or things into some kind of formation, such as a row, column, ranks, etc.
4 h* `& t! S- z+ E& z3 u7 TThe teacher lined the children up in two rows. Please line up the children in a row.' K7 o5 J& \: `
They are all lined up next to the door.5 f! c# Z" ~' x1 w0 c: h7 }
( d: C- o- {7 l1 s2 m0 g% Z
" [' B5 ^* S7 R朝着(某一地点)行进(美国英语中亦作 are headed)
( L3 u: r3 P4 h9 WIf you are heading for a particular place, you are going towards that place.
* a/ y( G/ ?* t' ]In American English, you can also say that you are headed for a particular place.
. `7 [' c0 m2 ]2 b/ ^/ l* yRachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so nothing!0 [! E4 ^" u. \3 }+ A1 h1 s
1 |( ?( T* ?" o" _; n
; P! x3 p- E% l8 p' R- a1 f1 U
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-3 14:46 | 显示全部楼层
Words - With explanation( W- t+ P/ U0 s( B: P
% F# Z; ]) \1 L/ J
0 D/ r! T$ C# ~% J0 l; z9 O1. N-UNCOUNT 慰唁 A message of condolence is a message in which you express your sympathy for someone because one of their friends or relatives has died recently. 7 s$ B; Y! V0 S1 X# V
Neil sent him a letter of condolence. 尼尔给他发了一封唁函。8 z4 s8 ]6 \% [4 A

8 J0 z, d4 s% i' h2. N-PLURAL 慰唁 When you offer or express your condolences to someone, you express your sympathy for them because one of their friends or relatives has died recently. : G8 h% U4 _; j3 M/ f$ }( W( s: l) X
He expressed his condolences to the families of the people who died in the incident. 他向这次事件中的死者家属表示了慰唁。( h' c4 w, I8 P5 Q4 @( x6 B  U
My condolence.
1 g" Q6 t% a/ F9 v
& ?- O( E" J; C# z  P1 cdenounce
  y+ r0 \, j5 k! F) q1. ~ sb/sth (as sth) to strongly criticize sb/sth that you think is wrong, illegal, etc. 谴责;指责;斥责6 i3 ^7 Y; {% L( x9 u  O
She publicly denounced the government's handling of the crisis. 她公开谴责政府处理这场危机的方式。
% |% A- e) ]& Q# t! |1 g; P! P' B
2. ~ sb (as sth) to tell the police, the authorities, etc. about sb's illegal political activities 告发(某人从事非法政治活动)
5 K$ E! {- Q4 ^# l) LMany people denounced their neighbours to the secret police.许多人向秘密警察告发自己的邻居。
( v, x1 e5 w- m( f$ ^( z4 L4 y& ]& a+ k9 f
nature nurture['nɜːrtʃər]# O$ D! k* o( q* C& R" r4 T1 R
先天后天5 ^1 R* H% X7 J1 ~) \9 T
The researchers used the gold standard for such nature- nurture studies:twins.
/ |0 _. I$ Y6 t研究人员采用了进行这种先天——后天研究的金牌标准:孪生孩子。
# z* v: w8 L, S; M. W* c# E' ?9 ^; iIs it nature or nurture? 这是先天差异,还是后天培养造成的
! ]/ e2 d  w) e. T  Z' q1 o- n  _. [7 u( m3 @: h
expressions on your face面部表情
5 b2 L, a, b- I( I: r9 y2 g4 wTo beam is to have a big happy smile on your face.beam 指笑逐颜开。2 [0 s+ c5 j) T3 E% k0 \7 l% J* t
To smirk is to smile in a silly or unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased with yourself, know something that other people do not know, etc.smirk 指傻笑、得意地笑以示自鸣得意、知他人所不知等。$ g- }* a2 j  A/ U
To sneer is to show that you have no respect for someone by turning your upper lip upwards.sneer 指翘起上唇嗤笑、讥笑以示轻蔑。
/ \* Z, a% H) O+ r# d- N5 ?6 e1 S+ v% [
To glare or glower is to look in an angry, aggressive way.glare 和 glower 指怒目而视、咄咄逼人地瞪眼。0 M& `4 F4 ], o. d5 h
To scowl is to look at someone in an angry or annoyed way.scowl 指怒视。
' l7 D9 ]# a' H% i. C1 q; u
. G8 v7 A6 |) WTo frown is to make a serious, angry or worried expression by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead.frown 指皱眉、蹙额。[fraʊn]
4 E$ y/ c) M. L" V6 mTo grimace is to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc.grimace 指因痛苦、厌恶等扭曲着脸。
3 S8 d' Q# x# ]8 X$ v  `+ B, e, A5 Y' F6 E% Z2 T9 D
pluck[plʌk] ( L  r' s8 A7 r- ^! p+ s" o! h
1. VERB 采;摘 If you pluck a fruit, flower, or leaf, you take it between your fingers and pull it in order to remove it from its stalk where it is growing. / z" Q) E7 K& ^) ?* ^) k9 @: @/ _$ ]
I plucked a lemon from the tree...我从树上采了一个柠檬。" u* S8 w" D" [$ \( Z# r7 m
2. VERB 拔;拉;抽;扯 If you pluck something from somewhere, you take it between your fingers and pull it sharply from where it is.
; }) ], p- P& N0 {, f) ~' F+ BHe plucked the cigarette from his mouth and tossed it out into the street…他从嘴里抽出香烟,把它扔到街上。
  f* Z' G; c$ ^Phoebe: Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.)! Q7 I) D$ T4 O2 \
4. VERB 拔除(鸡或其他死禽)的毛 If you pluck a chicken or other dead bird, you pull its feathers out to prepare it for cooking. 7 X$ L2 J4 l( {- f2 R0 R
She looked relaxed as she plucked a chicken.她拔鸡毛时看上去很轻松。% Q0 }( B  I6 ?* F5 Z
5. VERB (用镊子)拔,修(眉毛) If a woman plucks her eyebrows, she pulls out some of the hairs using tweezers.
1 c) \, L8 L2 h5 n
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-3 22:11 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-3 01:16 | 显示全部楼层
Friends Season 1        Episode 2 The.Sonogram.At.The.End
% N" v- p% I( J& f0 GSit thought       
. \. L( w& L  v" f0 l坐着挨到(电影、讲座、会议等)结束 If you sit through something such as a film, lecture, or meeting, you stay until it is finished although you are not enjoying it.        ' a8 A/ K. E( f: w3 m  L
The children are too young to sit through a long concert. 这些孩子太小,音乐会时间长他们就坐不住了。       
7 w0 R2 @1 [' q+ ]( y( L1 t( \5 x/ }/ N2 V4 P  a, x6 w* r
stand-up comedian       
& I- ]- i9 ^) y& V$ Z4 d6 f0 x' u独角滑稽秀演员 单口相声演员       
: l& Z0 h( U, d, J( M# E& I, m: \! Q' q4 X2 e" T
opening act
2 ?: E! P; @7 Y0 G1 Rn. 开场,开幕"       
' k2 K! I2 E. G6 zThe young actor blew his lines during the opening act.那个年轻的演员在第一幕就把台词忘得一干二净           
9 g2 l) ], z6 i! M  u
; u* H4 q3 A$ P. _1 L9 q$ [! Y, J  a: Wmannequin       
1 M7 I& W& l; N['mænɪkɪn]         ( o( }: u2 U, B+ M
2 r2 a# ^$ A* @  i/ X(尤指T台或平面)时装模特
5 _1 y4 v' |/ l6 x* [: l+ u6 b
. u& n& L1 P" |. E3 q5 d4 a4 I8 gglacier
: O3 H4 u/ x/ f( B$ a ['ɡleɪʃər]) ~- m% h  q1 i: T
% [1 v/ O6 _+ Rsimilare as iceberg3 {% n/ T8 P: g) D6 w# d$ I) F
) K% L0 m% G" S& ^1 k' J
be through with something; I- h9 h% @) f& r: R3 J: ~, l
To have finished or completed it.& c: D' ^2 e# c$ d
Are you through with that?. O3 R5 m7 Y' `2 w8 K
# c; Z1 W1 ~, y( S
ball it up7 o1 |, b" R) Q
就是把(纸)捏成一个小团5 c; S4 B( @" t& {
The children were balling up snow to make a snowman
$ w8 e6 G. ]9 w1 eMONICA: Whose little ball of paper is this?!" }3 A: Y( M, M/ m5 y. i
CHANDLER: Oh, uh, that would be mine. See, I wrote a note to myself, and then I realised I didn’t need it, so I balled it up and... (OFF MONICA’S LOOK) ...now I wish I was dead., I! v+ V7 f9 ~' b* v/ x2 {& i
6 q% j6 N( q0 Zpear shaped       
) g1 N# R4 u4 R1 @) wWe have a saying in the UK 'It's all gone pear shaped' which means 'It's all gone horribly wrong.'        ! @6 Y5 v7 c8 L' N
When something is going pear shaped, it means it's going wrong or badly        & S3 p6 I; x' l/ j6 V5 V6 T

! O8 w1 n( o3 g$ Y2 arun sth by/past sb       
6 C2 c& _" b  R7 U  C% B2 P5 gto tell someone about something, to make sure they understand or approve: 解释给谁听        & U  a; l0 ~, A6 i6 Q( j0 C3 P
I would like to run some ideas by you before we agree to the deal.         1 \) i) D' p6 \+ L  P" r
( B4 H& K* L, _# y
0 n- X) T, A1 L) z% E3 T ['tʃʌbɪ]        
2 d+ D+ o- k+ |( R9 Z6 uslightly fat in a way that people usually find attractive 胖乎乎的;圆胖的;丰满的       
# ?- V( N: z' U$ O& v. xchubby cheeks/fingers/hands 胖乎乎的脸/手指/手        - w; V  v9 G8 M7 J$ S1 C
You were chubby.       
& [1 r# D3 P( Q9 R- c        " y) j  j; p) u- S* o) r
( h2 d! H2 a. s* _['ænɪkdəʊt] 5 S: H6 Z. r6 k2 t! j  ~
轶事;趣闻 An anecdote is a short, amusing account of something that has happened9 ?' K; t: d5 K' i7 C1 T; Q+ t
Peter was telling them an anecdote about their mother.皮特正在给他们讲一件他们母亲的趣闻5 V0 Y( M3 J, D. {

- _: `- W$ `5 Jpace
8 F4 u) y+ X4 d(由于焦虑或不耐烦而)在…踱步 If you pace a small area, you keep walking up and down it, because you are anxious or impatient.  : v/ R1 m1 H4 r3 g

3 v8 H/ p2 r# {0 j; Y( qveil[veɪl]
! m' J. d7 S' n1 B0 G; K" z. Zn. 面纱;# ~. c2 N# [" Z, V- R/ v7 ^
vt. 用面纱遮盖2 b2 |6 Q6 \4 Q3 Z2 V4 D' [
* d! s' B8 H9 y  Q' }! q
Things change,roll with the punches
+ W) ]7 R  J4 ]1 y* b世事多变  J- |- V6 c# }5 ?
2 f* u, d' G/ a1 |( K9 ?& C* d
do the/one's makeup! J% b/ P0 o/ F: E5 X5 b  F
* t5 N( f/ Q, a1 Q[Scene: Barry's office. Rachel is doing her makeup in the mirror on Barry's lamp as Barry enters.]2 `' @; q2 {+ ]
2 @' M. p+ m+ O" x0 c
a thing # H* y; m! d7 H4 f7 _8 t
The big one had a thing for you, didn't she?
  g5 H6 i1 T* YYeah, well, uh, we're kind of a thing now.! N; \  q5 G# Y* E6 H

! @+ d1 a/ g1 Dorthodontist; F3 _% Y" Y2 l4 w. T
# v4 @0 y5 F* f$ G1 {% pn.牙齿矫正医师* k3 f7 H: E  C5 B9 s4 H  E

- r. N  u# R! R3 @* X4 ksettle for sth, Y0 d. s3 P% I' |
to agree to accept something (even though something else would be better). 勉强接受
: C" P' u. B% b" _* P: P- N7 JI had hoped to get 1000 for my old car but had to settle for a lot less.我那辆旧汽车原指望卖上 1000 英镑,後来少卖了很多也认了。& M; v+ M4 K5 l- d8 `7 r
Ask your grocer for Wilson's canned corn—the best corn in cans. Don't settle for less.
, ?. |% f. B- P# Y- I- h
# y) p! R. J8 u& |% y* ?border on sth
/ n/ ]) p/ Q  ^& Z4 q/ Hto come very close to begin something,especially a strong or unpleasant emotion or quality 近似于,接近,几乎是
+ B+ T( x* B3 q- Kchild abuse5 l$ X) I* q6 N( H' w4 C
the crime off harming a child in a physical,sexual or emotional way 摧残儿童,虐待儿童;(尤指)对儿童的性虐待! o& n# V. g. y6 f6 P
2 q* |' j6 S9 i: Q. P  i& i8 nCarol: Ross. You're not actually suggesting Helen Willick-Bunch-Geller? 'Cause I think that borders on child abuse.
' p6 j* k. L7 `+ z* X4 T: O; M  g) a5 _3 ]( ?- m. M, Q
wind up with someone or something# y+ Z8 v5 B! Q; E
to end up having someone or something.
; Z2 v! c# s' ^$ e4 q6 VI don't want to wind up with all the kids for the weekend.
* v! g. L9 x& A" \$ DWe wound up with Thanksgiving at our house again.
4 a' \" [& |. }5 J" W- x
. n' z( z  v/ g# v8 hJoey: Alright, when'd'ya have it on last?& z, t4 W/ m0 c0 Y3 V4 H/ [: N# n+ r
Phoebe: Doy! Probably right before she lost it!
& V( |4 @1 }& Y1 B1 k  ~- J6 n
0 _( l  {/ H- ^& T/ MThis may hurt.
  X0 e4 x4 C8 T/ j- N
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