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StabilityAI CosXL:类Playground艺术风文生图模型与文本提示编辑图像模型(ComfyUI使用指南)

发表于 2024-4-16 18:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
StabilityAI CosXL模型



    • Cos Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 Base 版本经过调整,采用了余弦连续 EDM VPred 调度策略。这样的调整变更带来最显著的特点就是能够产生从纯黑到纯白的完整色彩范围,同时在模型对每一步图像变化速率的处理上也有所改进,使得图像生成更为细腻。

    • Edit Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 Base 版本同样采用了余弦连续 EDM VPred 调度策略,并进行了升级以执行指令性图像编辑。该模型接受源图像和提示作为输入,并将提示解释转换为如何修改和编辑图像的指令。





01. 夕阳剪影

Conceptual digital art, beautiful double exposure, combining the silhouette of a woman with a sunset coastline, sunset coastline main background with details included in the woman, clear lines, background monochrome, sharp focus, wildlife photography, highly detailed photoshoot, vibrant colors, perfect illustration, portrait photography, by Kingshuk's craziness, ultra-realistic, masterpiece image, high resolution, dynamic and cinematic lighting, UHD, HDR, exclusively award winning work

02. 童话光影

ending darkness as she is the creator of light,  lights densely packed, mimicking the contours and features of a woman's body, bio-luminescent, translucent, cinematic, Film light, surreal hallucinatory intricately detailed, fairy lights, captures viewers with beauty and mesmerism, Hyper detailed, Hyper realistic, masterpiece, atmospheric, High resolution, Vibrant, CLEAR CRIMSON, High contrast, dark angle, 8k, HDR

03. 蒸汽朋克

Steampunk, impressive painting representing the very beautiful Elsa Jean, with hyper detailed alien face, tiny very detailed denim shorts, unbuttoned t-shirt, perfect anatomy, centered, almost perfect, dynamic, very detailed, artstation, concept art, soft, sharpness , illustration, art by Carne Griffiths and Wadim Kashin, graffiti airbrush techniques, high definition accent lighting, contrasted with vivid paint colors, cinematic, photorealistic lighting, by Boris Vallejo, extra space atmosphere, digital rendering, digital painting, beep, Noah Bradley, cyril roland, ross tran, trending on artstation, cosmos, vanishing point

04. 玉石艺术

1 girl, Alcobaça Glass Manufacture - Glass Art Deco, by Luis Duarte, Luis Duarte style, Face Potrait, Element Earth, brown and green shading, Alcobaça style, Datanoshing, Ink v3, NijiExpress 3D v2, Splash style, Abstract Art, Abstract Tech, 3D, High definition, Photo realistic, specified, CyberTech

05. 模特

full Body, chinese girl, Female model in her 20s pariser Art, yellow orange, simple, folk, caucasian, dark hair, mysterious charm, rough and textured natural materials, use of patchwork and embroidery handicraft  techniques, hair with folk and wild natural curls, detailed intricate insanely detailed octane render trending on artstation, 8k artistic photography, photorealistic concept art, soft natural volumetric cinematic perfect light --stylize 600 --chaos 50, ultra hd, realistic, vivid colors, highly detailed, UHD drawing, pen and ink, perfect composition, beautiful detailed intricate insanely detailed octane render trending on artstation, 8k artistic photography, photorealistic concept art, soft natural volumetric cinematic perfect light

06. 高冷女孩

chinese girl,Translucent woman, ethereal beauty, high-resolution portrait digital painting, backlight illuminating form, delicate interplay of light and shadow, soft-focus background with bokeh effect, color palette of cool red and purples, ultra fine, digital render.

07. 晚礼服

chinese girl,Translucent woman, ethereal beauty, high-resolution portrait digital painting, backlight illuminating form, delicate interplay of light and shadow, soft-focus background with bokeh effect, color palette of cool red and purples, ultra fine, digital render.

08. 国风

chinese girl,Beautiful chinese girl sitting, close up, binding hair, wearing chinese  saree Oil painting portrait, perfect composition , Watercolor, trending on artstation, sharp focus, studio photo, intricate details, highly detailed, by greg rutkowski

CosXL Edit模型图像编辑体验

要想使用CosXL图像编辑,首先我们需要下载对应模型,并放置在ComfyUI/models/checkpoints目录 下,无需安装其他插件,导入对应的ComfyUI工作流就可以开始体验了。对应的工作流可以在线下载或者文末已提供对应网盘下载方式。在线下载地址:https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples/edit_models/


01. 编辑背景

pink ground

02. 编辑细节

snow, rain, night

03. 切换风格

anime,  purple hair, sunglasses,close-up

04. 水彩风格


05. 线条素描风格

line drawing style


    • CosXL:https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/cosxl

    • CosXL模型:关注公众号口令【CosXL-Model】获取

    • CosXL工作流:关注公众号口令【sdxl_edit_model_comfyui】获取


    [图生GIF]微软Pix2Gif: 高度视觉质量、时间一致性和用户可控的运动引导扩散图生GIF方法


    [LLM]马斯克Grok-1.5 Vision:识别流程图代码编程,多模态连接数字与物理世界,走向AGI重要历程



    01 Light:2024值得关注的LLM新方向,OpenInterpreter开源LLM编程与硬件结合




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