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发表于 2009-7-10 11:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/simp/hi/newsid_8140000/newsid_8143500/8143567.stm$ D! c/ P* t5 g: L1 H" r- G
" B' i  G9 x% P7 [+ v. N, H

% V& y# Y1 O" X  N# ^“乌鲁木齐各清真寺周五关闭”; ^' P# n+ J1 t4 w4 p4 l
4 X% l8 E; G7 B, m
" w, \' y' t; v2 h  G" R! ?
7 E3 d# B( l- P% f3 N+ M9 K夏昆汀说,他看到清真寺外的通知告诉信徒回家祈祷。; h# s' _5 }7 ^8 K

: D; G' E* @9 H4 `
; L. h& x, m) a" m/ r' G; l( k& m. V
( l- g) i* Z, P" x" E7 ^; C" V" g

/ j1 e% Y& h& {% z6 q) ~) c美联社记者引一名未透露姓名的政府官员说,政府是基于公共安全考虑作出不让乌鲁木齐市清真寺星期五开放的决定的。5 u) L0 y: u2 [+ `: {  T
9 c4 L: L6 b0 s  d

/ H: H% h4 s1 o1 T* R% v夏昆汀报道说,乌鲁木齐市星期五气氛仍然紧张,市区各处仍随处可见武警和特警,而且维族聚居地区被武装了防暴装备的武警包围。0 w' W: j; z+ K  J7 z$ [: D9 t7 V

7 G( ^/ ^) f- [2 R9 v' Q+ K
; a9 [) A$ H7 k. Z' l3 v/ V9 Q
% J9 e; n8 C: _" G2 E# y  u% o4 G; a8 x' d" J7 ]

: c) |5 N8 u8 D$ \$ `中国外交部发言人秦刚说,这三股势力是各国家的公害,因此在打击三股势力时,国际间应保持一致,不能有“双重标准”。: C) c- }+ \; X, E$ Z5 D; m

, w1 ^: H9 L) S0 |3 E; O

& X( D/ i7 B; T+ |) w根据中国官方统计,7月5日的骚乱事件造成156人死亡,1080人受伤。
5 m% ]; ]- |  A" b5 C' ^1 _5 u, d9 k% Y
7 e% r3 i; V  y4 R$ V9 X
$ }" z5 _) [3 e; C/ I! ~* ]# B: i  J$ L+ _: @

# S2 D) k' O. S! M' {中国此前表示会严惩在骚乱事件中有严重犯罪行为的人,并警告所有继续进行“打砸抢烧”行为的人都会受到严惩。
8 y& z; A# ~4 I) B
0 d* ?; i( ~) v- B1 M/ M2 r1 C
7 b0 [8 J6 j' B0 {6 T- O
据报道,乌鲁木齐本周曾出现多起汉族居民武力报复维族人的暴力事件,但当局没有透露此类事件造成的伤亡人数。( A7 ~/ X& C! o9 ~
/ H' e3 w7 v+ j8 z) }2 X
. P% g! k5 N; Z* d3 J

% P0 o/ J7 X* l% x( K9 ]  y
A Muslim man reads a sign attached to the entrance of a mosque tellingworshippers to "go home and pray there" in the city of Urumqi inChina's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 9, 2009.  7 ^3 I! t2 ~; n9 y
Chinese President Hu Jintao, forced to abandon a
: _% i/ x, M) k$ q: {) lG8 summitin Italy by ethnic violence in restive Xinjiang, said that maintainingsocial stability in the energy-rich region was the "most urgent task",state television reported on Thursday. Hu described Sunday's riots inthe regional capital Urumqi, where 156 people were killed and 1,080wounded when minority Muslim Uighurs attacked majority Han Chinese, asa "serious violent crime elaborately planned and organised by 'threeforces' at home and abroad", an apparent reference to religiousextremists, separatists and terrorists.# x, Y. a- |- j6 W/ W( M7 W

2 |$ J% [- e/ N
3 g4 z5 B5 h3 B0 g$ u* G. s) a7 D* k; ~6 m6 d+ o
Ethnic Uighurs start to leave a mosque after Friday prayers in Urumqiin China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 10, 2009. Hundreds of UighurMuslims crowded into at least one mosque in riot-stricken Urumqi onFriday after authorities relented on a decision to close mosques forthe main day of prayer to minimize ethnic tension.
0 M7 G: E. h* x; u+ D- }: }( {# u5 f( P# h6 I1 @2 L% n

9 x8 D0 g# v/ {/ n) a! H
( S3 |/ r1 N2 E  L, h% j0 {Ethnic Uighurs look on toward the entrance of a mosque as people leavethe area following Friday prayers in Urumqi in China's XinjiangAutonomous Region July 10, 2009. Hundreds of Uighur Muslims crowdedinto at least one mosque in riot-stricken Urumqi on Friday afterauthorities relented on a decision to close mosques for the main day ofprayer to minimize ethnic tension.1 p& c2 M3 t5 `. a: H) M
9 Z2 s5 V1 |4 ?4 y4 }

0 v9 s  d3 ]$ `0 [" |6 l" sEthnic Uighurs are seen inside an entrance to their home at theirneighbourhood in Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 10,2009. Ethnic tensions in China's far-west Xinjiang shift from thestreets to mosques of the regional capital on Friday, with many UighurMuslims saying the authorities would not let them observe their mainday of prayer.
/ ~+ l' l' N; {- J. J9 K! {! A/ L. T7 T

, t4 J6 a  V% b. ~! U3 \
! Z' |! i9 Y6 TEthnic Uighurs stand outside a locked mosque in Urumqi in China'sXinjiang Autonomous Region July 10, 2009. Ethnic tensions in China'sfar-west Xinjiang shift from the streets to mosques of the regionalcapital on Friday, with many Uighur Muslims saying the authoritieswould not let them observe their main day of prayer.3 |' a+ X; k8 Q. L! U

9 ^' g3 h% a* G) ^
; w! Y5 c; T, d5 n9 B
5 |, B5 \( I4 y5 A: d1 {9 I& y1 hEthnic Uighurs walk as Chinese army troops patrol outside the mainmosque in Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 10, 2009.Ethnic tensions in China's far-west Xinjiang shift from the streets tomosques of the regional capital on Friday, with many Uighur Muslimssaying the authorities would not let them observe their main day ofprayer.
& b) R/ r( _+ S0 ^$ i9 |
' `, r, R4 x1 Z& p( |7 q$ g) r7 E7 A( G4 B
Ethnic Uighurs pray inside a mosque in Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 9, 2009.
3 v# p8 L3 g" U; L  v: i* E: s6 A; W5 k9 }
$ O% b! D- O5 ]4 F

, E3 F+ A: ?1 }6 V" XChinese security forces walk near the entrance to a mosque as ethnicUighurs leave after Friday prayers in Urumqi in China's XinjiangAutonomous Region July 10, 2009. Hundreds of Uighur Muslims crowdedinto at least one mosque in riot-stricken Urumqi on Friday afterauthorities relented on a decision to close mosques for the main day ofprayer to minimize ethnic tension.


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Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-7-10 11:16 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-7-10 12:41 | 显示全部楼层
7 z4 p& i* G( s6 j( e7 s不会是写给在疆的回族信徒看的吧。。。
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-7-10 12:47 | 显示全部楼层
为什么写汉字?而不是维语???$ o0 A! N3 y7 L3 @
/ g  |. E. u3 a# L1 bbagsun 发表于 2009-7-10 12:41

, L, R5 {% [, L" q这里是中国
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-7-10 12:48 | 显示全部楼层
5 ~0 Y- @* l! f7 @3 T' X$ Y  y

% W5 m  L" g$ H; |$ M& i5 |1 o" q  `9 v: k) e
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-7-10 13:00 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-7-10 13:19 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
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