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发表于 2009-7-10 07:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 yeatsea 于 2009-7-10 07:30 编辑 , \4 ~+ ^% A. u6 q- ?+ W/ d8 y$ J9 d
, e, Q; o9 w+ i1 g: t$ J
Search for Han Chinese sister whose family were butchered by Uighurs6 Y  [" Z$ |2 W' A7 G' @6 P, |

7 Q& R' e0 X! S. Ihttp://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol ... /article6677379.ece
& q1 |& z0 g( v+ b1 P
4 T8 Q! q- q3 e3 Y& r/ r0 w具体文章内容可点击上面链接进去。
/ }- g5 s. t3 F. l8 I
" x1 \, z- {: r详细报道了一汉族人姐姐一家五口被屠杀,丈夫和孩子被斩首,至尽仍在寻找下落不明的姐姐。
# j' }+ n7 X  L" r0 j. I) _* ~2 N7 i" g; O' `) F6 V
下面也已经跟了不少回帖。纷纷谴责暴行和调侃西媒所说的“和平示威”8 n  ~: f- v% y, v+ {2 A& `0 S
9 |# ?$ ]" m5 I
This is not two ethnic group fighting on the street, this is organized brutal attack on innocent people including 84-year old, and 13-year old child, this is worse than 911. Those Uighurs terrorists should be executed if got caught.
: X6 c" r. k; `- i. C5 f4 T  ^! H
D.F., riverside, US; O: [1 `6 P7 d
/ C  r0 u5 t5 T* |5 _: K1 }9 ?
+ l% U! q' d' m0 V+ ^5 \
You can bend it and twist it... you can misuse and abuse it...for your own little interest... but God know it, and you cannot change the Truth. Thanks for telling the truth, Jane.% n) z* _' q: Q* a0 L  v
) n& j( M8 A& x, |8 }
david , Auckland, New Zealand
/ }* M5 \3 A6 N7 d) O- u  c! I3 M+ m  ^% G
"They began to hit the people inside, even the old mother, with bricks and stones. They tried to run outside. Then they were dragged back inside. 'There were terrible screams. Just wordless screams. '"
' o  V% A3 ?! }. `. ~: A$ `1 H7 Y; U( p' A0 Y$ F8 V. k
If this is peaceful protest, I wonder what you call the LA riot in 92?People walkin in the park?3 F0 k9 y& h# K& ]6 u( i- V6 f% |
! n- e2 ~* v( k8 t' O% F6 b7 @
Alex, Regina, Canada
/ {( d0 I9 n2 M6 u2 C
( H! S) N" c! Hit is definitely terrorism, no matter what your reason is. No government can tolerant such brutality. ( d2 c( F6 o. L, I
These men should be beheaded also.
$ m* e0 {$ r$ h& U: v
+ w( p. {, ~$ L8 ~Sean, L.A., USA. E; t3 ^1 A! c! m

) I; ^. M" c! A& u8 QI don't care what the cause, no one should be murdered so cruelly. Until now, I felt for the Uighur cause, sympathized with them. Now, however, after reading this horrific story, and the senseless, terrible murder committed by this mob, I'm not so sure anymore. 4 y( U% ?7 M2 }, m
8 I. d2 Z7 W# B
Joseph, S.C., USA
  z8 _8 J  g% k" Y. G
) j( M+ T+ m3 b  S& K4 D2 e+ ]# x9 i' ^# G% X6 L* d

) a! v! f- \: @, C; q! `
- f, V* j9 S/ ?/ p$ o也许咱们的话语没有力度,但再争论的时候可以用这样的文章让他们看看到底什么才是事实。
# [! h" h7 o7 e/ ~8 Q, y( R为死去的兄弟姐妹哀悼
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发表于 2009-7-10 08:59 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-10 09:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-10 09:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-10 09:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-10 09:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-10 10:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-10 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-10 10:25 | 显示全部楼层

8 n( r$ ~+ I) ]) x8 c: FCommunist china needs to stamp out this islamic uprising now before it spreads and destroys the chinese culture just as it destroying european culture.7 w% J/ H1 y/ h8 A5 e" X9 M

# `/ h! I: N+ xdave, nottingham, england
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发表于 2009-7-10 10:27 | 显示全部楼层
没记错的话,泰晤士报的老板是默多克吧?孺子可教2 }- }3 {( l5 T7 E8 e
CindyamMain 发表于 2009-7-10 10:01
. j' X, {1 ?/ g" V4 C7 u" r
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