




楼主: chocolate

Desperate Housewives读书笔记

发表于 2007-5-26 16:53 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-26 19:08 | 显示全部楼层
8 p1 ], |" O: k4 g: XS1065 Z! Q/ n# w6 `6 n9 [& B& F
Clash with sb: 与某人有冲突. D" A/ P# s# u+ _# g
Cross sword with: 与某人交锋,争论
+ R( k3 t8 h8 v! G. d1 h" W; Ygive/lose `ground (to sb/sth) (a) retreat 撤退. (b) get gradually less far ahead of sb/sth going in the same direction9 {  `6 L( m4 Y: A
prenuptial agreement: a legal document that is written before a man and a woman get married, in which they agree things such as how much money each will get if they divorce
- N- w9 g7 c& Mput away: 放好,收好% r$ P% Q, G2 ~7 _) O8 T( r& K* T
stamina: 精力
- F6 B; m9 C6 J' britual: 老习惯" h+ Q! E& P7 b' L! G: ?5 F7 q
yard sale: AmE a sale of used clothes and things from someone's house which takes place in their yard( S) u9 m$ r9 b1 F+ g) n. F% z
sift through: 筛选,通过
) F3 f% R6 E+ Z0 Ebuck: 1美元或者澳元
$ Q1 [' B( y" \play close to the vest: 保守秘密7 B5 b# y$ A' a. I7 @
be onto sb: 追查某人的违法活动
+ d( o% N/ r% B2 lrehabilitation center: 康复中心
* P' W3 r% @9 M# t8 f4 Fantidepressant: 抗抑郁的药1 e5 s& R2 _7 R5 N4 m
unearth: 发掘' H- m1 f: E2 y3 _/ k# q
Little red riding hood: 小红帽* i: S0 C, v  T2 C
Script: 剧本
! L; Z$ O3 ~1 f1 V. W  \  IEuthanize: to kill an animal in a painless way, usually because it is very sick or old
, g4 m# D8 k7 o, o, S- HThe last resort: 最后一着
( @8 D% s4 H9 A$ T' DThorn: 刺
; C( U5 ]9 R8 T1 o, n, kchow down phr vto eat" U4 W; t4 P# e) f4 i9 x3 [& L, z
abstinence: 禁欲
% a- J8 F, p; K: Lbe infuriated with: 恼火2 f5 x# R4 H( [  Q
be fresh out: 刚用完1 o0 q/ @4 ~" [6 e9 D
hatchback: (带上掀式斜背的)小轿车! X4 K4 n: q) `  ?! G
drive a stick: 开手排挡1 V. r0 J0 N6 F+ p8 I  A
surrogate: 代理人) G9 w: @- J, b1 n0 `
tick sb off: 激怒某人,斥责某人0 d  r: a  }8 G1 ^; D
nap: n (Brit) type of card-game 纳普牌(一种纸牌游戏),小睡
! z: \. X$ }; w7 a6 |$ {primitive: 原始的, [- P5 ?& s6 [  R( x2 P
sneaky: doing things in a secret and often dishonest or unfair way
* M' X9 K4 P# {( Xguacamole: a cold Mexican dish made with crushed avocado
/ R! x4 Z& Y. z- E  S& [three-handed poker: 三人玩的扑克" T7 n- E( b. [( m$ J& `9 X
boost: 推动
+ K( z" `# q) E# q8 [keep my fingers across$ T' Q' a- S% W+ F: c% Y
a) to hope that something will happen the way you want. u, ^, ^1 k7 m  E
  We're keeping our fingers crossed that she's going to be OK.$ e/ o3 K0 ], i+ P: c
Scary: 恐怖的
/ l' P  Q8 H  J# o  MThe ship has sailed: 事情为时过晚1 T: N& E% N; O7 K( S+ l
Card shark: 牌精
7 {: l( S: ]/ d% [- tdip into  随便翻阅,浏览;从…中取出
6 p  D  X4 [& K! t1 Ihock  [hɒk]
. P6 |, P! A, A9 l4 s5 F6 q5 A7 U5 Bn.  踝关节, 德国产白葡萄酒, 服刑所
, z7 S3 _; n8 q) C- rvt.  典当, 割断踝腱使成残废
# |& u0 o0 H& z[医] 后踝(四足动物后肢的踝关节)
* L6 _# v% z2 l8 D/ E% s; e+ r3 DPrude: 过份守礼的人" j4 `0 |& z) I  f
Sinew: 精力,力量,腱
0 ]. d) o9 f9 l+ Q- w; ?Tactile: 有触觉的( A) Y# H- J5 T" L3 L
Friction: 摩擦力
, g! i( ?# T6 M( A% x, hScrotum: 阴囊
/ m4 d, k% O4 s& x+ y' j* L! bSuede: 粗糙表面的软皮革
" [' A7 W& s7 hcoonskin  ['ku:nskin]n.  浣熊毛皮* s2 y* _% z" \
clump: 一块
& E- \+ i- C; ]/ ?0 w( rbulimic   [医] 善饥的, 食欲过盛的
( t/ U! _9 p/ h1 d6 e  {; Zgag: 塞,尤其是布条- ?) ?; J* a) Y) o- p) I
bunk with sb: 和某人挤一下
9 o$ J1 [/ y( @' mtoasty: 温暖舒适的. o7 g2 ^% [1 T  [$ g6 f, D; _2 n
quiche  / kiːʃ; kiʃ/ n open pastry tart with a savoury filling, esp of eggs, bacon, cheese, etc 一种糕饼(上层多为鸡蛋﹑ 腌肉﹑ 乾酪等).
6 p' k& C, Y* A2 S3 i" vBluff: 虚张声势+ y. A, r* O9 A& S8 C
chipped /tʃɪpt/ adj  something that is chipped has a small piece broken off the edge of it
- D! J1 l; m+ u# K$ ~mug: 大杯" ^/ Q, M; M8 y/ w
burrito: a Mexican dish made with a tortilla (=flat thin bread) folded around meat or beans with cheese
& l% m! e$ Z) W2 Q% M. @( Z. L! O: l( gstep out on sb: 背着某人出轨
& Y( `# O0 n: O! ztreacherous: 背叛的
+ U8 n& v) f+ P# mcreepy: 离奇的,毛骨悚然的2 ~" _* |3 o0 g8 I4 z! z: h# K. K
oversight: 疏忽,照料) o+ r% O7 Z$ U
sb is still credited with costumes: 名单上服装负责的还是sb  d% s, B+ I' E$ v* O& J
An Alpha Mom (a name registered by the Alpha Mom Network in 2004) is a modern mom who is confident and in control, a well informed decision-making multitasker. Alpha Moms often, but not necessarily, balence a career with family and extracurricular activities. An Alpha Mom is the primary caregiver and includes men fitting that description
1 E  F3 C0 O! t3 E, \Take a snug to the heart: 决斗,3 i* F9 E: W; I7 |
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-26 19:17 | 显示全部楼层
有人能解释一下,take a snug to the heart 的准确意思吗?
# @' }2 O" d5 v- X; E1 n* P! i$ h. o3 ?9 O1 v
上下文是快结束的最后几分钟,Lynette confronts Gibbons.7 u$ {2 o' s2 Q  ?7 Q
Gibbons told Lynette that she had made a mistake to still let the printer have another woman take credit with costumes." I) Q6 |6 A+ D3 {) L
But the truth is that Lynette worked over 18 straight hours on the costumes for drama.
) y4 [* {0 F3 r* P" RAnd Gibbons humiliated Lynette by judging her sewing as bad as road kill.4 O3 S- g$ X- D4 V" y: R' H8 [! u
! t5 T, L& F, r, T% G# D3 r+ _
Then Lynette outbursted. She asked Gibbons to end up this petty tricks and take their contradictions outside.
! V  X: l2 @- X: S& W$ g& u- CShe said: Next spring when we do Bambi, their mothers are going to take a snug to the heart and you are gonna like it.
  Q" x- O( h! s' i, Z& W  O(Bambi: a disney cartoon)
2 Q' h3 [0 ~  E6 h8 G5 l+ w  z
( @' W! c9 m( q8 k- ^5 ZExpect to your kind explanations! Thanks.
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-26 19:18 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #21 wdmax 的帖子

$送花$ $送花$ $送花$
# E9 y! x; T3 `' F& Z" d; `8 W5 Q2 Z: d5 m$ n* R' U; D
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-26 19:24 | 显示全部楼层
Today is really a muggy day.
/ [) e2 [4 `0 a) X; |2 ^5 P5 _I am so depressed and prefer to do nothing but just  sleep to kill the time.
1 I9 [. l, |0 X8 N' u: P+ ]# I4 ^0 }# ^) ^: r" w! g
But nevertheless, I finish my daily homework now:D.
1 s& e- ^4 L! d7 y% d7 AThe hail outside has stopped. Strange weather, strange me!# P+ K2 Q# w0 ]( F# j) m
I have to go shopping for next three days!$汗$8 G) @! }+ t' B% l/ z
# z% @! R! L0 U) d6 t5 n: @# T
[ 本帖最后由 chocolate 于 2007-5-26 19:31 编辑 ]
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发表于 2007-5-26 23:35 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-27 01:09 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #26 Stil 的帖子

Then the work might be too heavy-lifting$汗$.5 _; }4 G9 \* J/ O! D, C
Just checking the exact meanings of these phrases takes me more than one hour per day.
: R3 r# z/ p1 Q4 ^: o* @0 h4 v
The notes are for those who watch DH but might not have motives or have not enough time and engery to check  slangs in it.5 c8 _& i* l& P% R+ r
I simply list the words in the time sequence, If you watch it, I believe you can learn some usages from them.: ?- w3 w& ?; T4 s- r

6 x( w1 v# z8 i; W2 D$ {[ 本帖最后由 chocolate 于 2007-5-27 06:45 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-27 06:45 | 显示全部楼层
S107, G# L' H3 q/ L  d$ w5 i# ]" N
Begrude: 吝啬,羡慕3 g1 Q9 e4 j! ~  a
Slurp: 吃或喝(某物)时嘴唇发出很响的声音0 I) J4 x" ^/ i' ]; N
Mow down: 摧毁
- s3 e+ X6 ~' \2 j5 nHydrangea: 绣球花
+ P# o! V( E' P/ D# LAdversity: 逆境
1 L5 A0 Z3 r% _Illict affairs: 不正当的恋情( I" r7 o; j+ O/ ^7 {* `; [+ Z
Arsenic: 砒霜
& ~/ B, ^7 p6 d  zsoccer mom  'soccer mom& k0 T* d+ J$ X3 M5 x6 Y
n [C] AmE 1 O' h( s- @6 B1 h9 `+ }
a mother who spends a lot of time driving her children to sports practice, music lessons etc, considered as a typical example of women from the middle to upper classes in US society
' G8 o" N/ p: y! mgig: AmE informal a job, especially one that does not last for a long time, 二轮马车( k5 B' P3 y( b
hell-bent  .hell-'bent
5 {" i# }7 H  aadj [not before noun] ) z( _3 a- i, M5 r& S0 b
very determined to do something, especially something that other people do not approve of1 G+ x' ?: [$ m& r9 i# q& s
hell-bent on (doing) sth
3 I" q% G1 |% O) }check (up) on sb investigate sb's behaviour, background, etc 调查某人的行为﹑ 背景等
- t" z# w% o( z; ~6 V. ?: iantifreeze: 防冻剂, 抗凝剂(加於水中以降低其冰点, 如用於机动车辆的散热器中者).
& D6 k& O9 {0 I' FHomecoming: an occasion when former students return to their high school or college
4 v3 T# y( E' ^; \Parade float: 游行花车
) q  S8 I" S. D4 t6 k# `$ P4 K7 vPTA: Parent-Teacher Association, a voluntary organization bringing together parents and teachers
& P1 r! I$ }+ p: A/ L9 ~8 Q6 [8 cKiller idea: a very strong idea
. x1 c1 t# r% NPitch sb: to tell somebody2 `2 n$ N2 E, W
Tear down: 撤除,撤掉4 r5 A1 a. }# Q
Pull off: 完成,扯下; ]) y: C3 ]6 O( c: t8 y
Land sth account: settle5 p: n. q' w* Y, X, \4 T7 d
Shove: 乱塞
+ R6 v$ K( ^! k- ^- X0 QRoughhousing: AmE to play roughly or pretend to fight" W0 Y/ G. W" D2 e9 t6 `, |1 U
Disintegrate: 瓦解7 H( `+ f) m+ E% g: m
Detention: 留下查看
1 y2 R  O! d( n1 u% S7 i: ]6 jTrying too hard? 太努力,太用力* b/ T- g2 ]( l' y3 E
Get a load of: 仔细看: o6 d8 w% {9 k5 V
FYI commonly used in email or memo messages, typically as the first thing on the subject line, to flag the message as an informational message that does not require a response0 R  P; V! i* y
Give it a shot: attempt to give an explanation
1 }, c. e- F# e5 R+ e" \willy1 /ˈwɪlɪ; ˋwɪlɪ/ n (Brit infml) (used esp by or when speaking to young children 儿语) penis 小鸡鸡(阴茎).
: ^( V6 [, [7 G5 Z+ q1 d2 F8 MGet around: 回复,克服) \4 }  q7 `! H) B* N# s
Jungle: 丛林: T6 c/ K3 E: x8 u9 {
hit a/the (brick) wall (informal) 4 X* W- X1 [; R, q  x5 w4 F) ?. w
if you hit the wall when you are trying to achieve something, you reach a situation where you cannot make any more progress.% I0 V' P8 u/ K/ t
Scout: 童子军- |  a3 F0 S) e8 H/ Z- U# I
Neighbourly: behaving in a friendly and helpful way towards the people who live next to you or towards the countries that are next to you
' F0 G4 N+ S7 G7 J& e8 e+ VShell: 去壳: O9 q8 w; o! p8 d# \
6 d" l4 t  ~5 y. ~7 p# l: wn.  老兄, 家伙, 困扰, 烦恼, 鸡奸者
3 i% @/ P5 ?2 h/ v5 V- g2 M$ s' Gvt.  鸡奸, 诅咒* A" `0 H8 J6 l2 G
[法] 鸡奸者, 好男色的, 畜生  [( P. c. h5 }5 ]# O
Splurge: 炫耀,摆阔
$ N6 @! H7 X" O' i+ O( b+ V/ k/ EFoot the bill: 负担费用
3 g+ S+ o1 l' k3 I' C) f) k# PParanoid: 偏执狂的
/ [3 k! O6 C1 k' Ehelp out  帮助解决难题(或摆脱困境)5 b3 Q+ v! E  g. m
feisty:  激动的, 活跃的, 好争吵的, 坐立不安的  A3 G: O+ A# j
Words on the street: 坦白而言5 u8 ^5 X* T1 h7 i' s3 a( c1 o! Z+ k
Godsend: 意外好运4 s- g: g( y& G/ j! O- ?
Locksmith: 锁匠
. t5 t+ C( a2 K3 Okitsch  [kitʃ]n.迎合低级趣味的拙劣作品) n# G* @* Z$ b
knock off: 下班;快而轻松地做成;从(价格等中)减去
; j6 P. u6 s  L9 b! [( Iroot for: 支持,赞助: k# w# K' Q' P
cramp:痉挛; o% s- f1 t( N
! A2 l7 [- Q) B* D9 M6 g" Cjip: 快步舞
) k9 Q) j% i2 a: l; ^. hsober: 清醒的
4 Q3 o, @0 g6 f6 |- [saturation: 饱和
. R' o4 G8 E! q4 p/ h+ `conspicuous: 不显眼的
# x% s. i7 v% F5 \8 M( h" j4 @slapstick  ['slæpstik]n.  闹剧, 趣剧! k2 A* U. V7 ^/ Y
/ x1 f# [' R$ i$ V+ Sbarrel  [ˈbærəl]n.桶;筒,枪(或炮)管 vi.快速移动
. `: C7 i% T. |* R0 uteeter  vi.  步履不稳地走动, 踉跄, 摇晃, 摇摆不定, 摇摇欲坠, 玩跷跷板" v" I( `' d  ~8 Z4 E
n.  踉跄, 摇摆, 跷跷板
! [3 ?, X# I) q. \' L% w5 nteeter to the white light: 生死一线徘徊
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发表于 2007-5-27 13:34 | 显示全部楼层
那个S101里的“Unannouced: 突然起来地”,我查了一下,为什么没有这个单词啊,只有
+ G- M$ T$ g8 J3 U; G1 U9 munannounced
! w4 u# T2 ~; \2 ~, B- V9 ]6 c, Iadj.: }) i4 o9 s: Q: P! O& i
' `0 E4 E) g; s7 r* M有多一个n的
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-27 17:33 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 蓝俊小雅 于 2007-5-27 13:34 发表
* N3 u, E0 }! ?' d8 ?# N% h1 C那个S101里的“Unannouced: 突然起来地”,我查了一下,为什么没有这个单词啊,只有
- D$ U& I6 X  H( \2 v4 y3 Gunannounced 7 K6 J# u( m; o/ n: A) [$ L
adj.0 o# @" p8 W  q/ ^) }; V
未经宣布的: W) ~  f& h2 T2 [9 c

* l- k1 q; |$ e  }3 ?4 f" C已经改过来了。打错了:)
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