




楼主: chocolate

Desperate Housewives读书笔记

 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-28 01:33 | 显示全部楼层
S108' Z! g0 @1 Q( E4 G
Newlywed: 新婚的人,新婚夫妇
# r! J* ~7 I" p9 i7 ]0 Rtransgression  /trænzˈgreʃn; trænzˋɡrɛʃən/ n (fml 文) (a) [U] transgressing 违法; 违反道德; 违犯戒律. (b) [C] instance of this; sin 违法; 违反道德; 违犯戒律
4 h- j# Y( l- {! v2 S6 m" zD.U.I: Driving under the influence of alcohol, drunk driving, drinking and driving (American or Canadian English), or drink-driving (Australian, Irish, British or New Zealand English), is the act of operating a motor vehicle (and sometimes a bicycle or similar human-powered vehicle) after having consumed alcohol (ethanol) or other drugs, to the degree that mental and motor skills are impaired.% a$ M4 z* D1 L- v* W0 j' u5 v0 s
Hit-and-run: 撞人逃逸
$ g9 \0 X5 a. x1 ?The statute of limitation: 法律时限
# }" a$ y3 j7 G! e0 n/ u' t* iMoose: 麋鹿6 g/ b) a/ j6 J  W4 S
Ignition: 点火
, y5 O8 r5 p' |) U' ~Serenity: 宁静8 w, R' X' Y: j: G- [+ L$ d
Conspicuous: 显而易见的3 P4 ^% l' [. d( a( v
Broom: 笤帚8 u1 h: ^( R9 |9 t9 H5 k$ L8 T4 ?& p
Pitch: 投掷. h) s0 Y& B+ z, O8 s
head-on  .head-'on
1 [9 _, {* z& U( A) ]adv
8 _+ o6 [  ?6 v crash/collide/smash etc head-on2 w) @/ ]9 @3 e4 K4 A
if two vehicles crash etc head-on, the front part of one vehicle hits the front part of the other
% X- O- U8 S" q if someone deals with a problem head-on, they do not try to avoid it, but deal with it in a direct and determined way
- x  r7 S9 b/ R+ lface/tackle/meet sth head-on/ W4 |1 l9 z5 K# J; l( l
  The police are trying to tackle car crime head-on.- x$ A) [0 z1 V6 d: `* @* x' f! Z* F
if two people or teams meet head-on in an argument, competition etc, they compete against each other and try to win in a very determined way( I! B# u* U* \
be put away for life: be prisoned for life& G7 K" d$ Y6 Q6 [9 n3 b6 h9 c
slip into: be suddenly into
, C8 k( e1 }3 Q0 c) Q( _2 Usponge bath: 海绵擦身8 Q4 c& K2 r7 F
bitch v [I, Ipr] ~ (about sb/sth) (infml 口) make spiteful comments; complain or grumble 出言不逊; 抱怨; 发牢骚  m( V' k* I+ _6 K& W7 |1 f
debauchery: 放荡$ }! G& C( `' \) S. o
out of whack: improperly ordered or balanced
# u2 s- ^# U# s& P9 Ydoze off: 打盹
$ s5 G  X2 t) W2 c4 X! f. g& _8 |1 [do the trick: 获得成功8 r7 v; x- M* n/ S3 k0 P
babble: 咕嘟咕嘟
1 z5 p. T  b# n8 t9 i5 m6 C8 U8 \brook: 小溪; Q1 e! h: }+ `4 N. X) {
knock off: 下班
5 A, [9 r) f5 i2 H! A' w9 a9 Ilevel with sb (infml 口) speak or deal with sb in an honest and frank way 坦诚待人.
# h, M" \: T  ^/ N& {lumber  ['lʌmbә]  z' ]- R; t* }+ w
n.  木材, 破旧家俱, 废物, 隆隆声6 r& p3 \4 l, Z* ?) l, X
vt.  砍伐木材, 乱堆( U/ b% D2 K. ^9 H7 ^% M9 c
vi.  笨拙地移动, 喧闹地向前走, 隆隆地移动
; I* K8 o- P+ ^  S[经] 木材, 破旧家俱5 f: y. a+ W* j
Impoverish: 贫穷的
* S6 h# F3 ], q: D" lEnormity: 恶行; ^7 p: @: ~# [3 z7 C$ K
Wad: 一叠,一扎
8 M8 t) D, Q3 D, Mhit man  (sl 俚 esp US) hired assassin; person who is paid to kill another person 职业杀手; 被人收买充当刺客的人.( N  e2 S3 b+ s8 S1 [( i6 n
Mob: 暴徒
# i: [2 W! U5 ULead: 线索: h% P  ?2 o$ c  k5 Q& B$ m
Lady finger: 手指饼干+ N2 }: P6 C5 f
Make: 品牌,型号
& Z) r" N0 ^0 g: B9 h# S& ?/ [Uterus: 子宫
* Q6 b  q5 h9 l/ o) E2 g6 uOff the hook: 脱离困境
, m, z  r* z$ t/ |4 a9 i4 s  ?Potent: .(药等)效力大的,威力大的;强有力的+ m" i. Q  ?* N  F* _
Scout: 童子军
9 p) u8 d7 t# c; FBowline: 单套结(水手﹑ 攀登者等打的一种结实的结).
  ]* \- _* {& x. }% tYank: 猛拉
2 I4 [) D: `! v# Z/ u9 D  rTaut: 紧的
- b& V) G7 _' Ba ,high/,low `profile noticeable/inconspicuous way of behaving, so as to attract/avoid public attention 极力[避免]显示自己的做法; 高[低]姿态: adopt/keep/maintain a low profile 采取[保持/维持]低姿态+ Z/ o, r# E9 C! H5 T0 F! S
Lassie  Las•sie, h1 j0 p' t2 u* E
a dog who was the main character in seven films made between 1943 and 1951 and later in television programmes. Lassie is very brave and clever, and she often saves people from danger, especially members of the family that she belongs to.( D) f( a5 G) P% k0 M( Y- W
shrink n (sl joc 俚, 谑 esp US) psychiatrist 精神科医生; 精神病学家  T, [$ k4 o" ?3 w  \3 k& ^
stir up: 激起
# ^& Y/ k* ]: f8 |; c4 j6 B7 _look both ways before they cross the street: 过马路看两边
" i3 g$ |! `" y8 P" Ycondo  n.  共同统治, 共管下的政府, 共管, 多层公寓大楼, 由个人占用的一套公寓房间0 l' @% v9 l" K& f% m' ^( Y: A+ t
pussyfoot  pus•sy•foot /ˈpusifut/ v [I] also pussyfoot around/about 5 K" m3 ?% V& R* W% `+ j+ A
informal to be too careful and frightened to do something, such as making firm decisions or telling someone exactly what you think1 y9 M# i$ R% f! `9 U5 N
strip mall  'strip mall
, E4 |" `1 |$ P* un [C]
* g( T/ s, T$ [1 k  wAmE a row of shops built together, with a large area for parking cars in front of it. }. s  ?/ z5 ?$ |6 g2 w. t$ @6 h
troll1  troll1 /trəul, trɔl US troul/ n [C]
6 x! [* J* z: ]: l# e- [1 P) f[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Norwegian; Origin: troll and Danish trold, from Old Norse troll 'evil creature, giant']
/ _: ?4 [4 a! {8 n6 Tan imaginary creature in stories that looks like an ugly person% @4 p; W' v; D1 n5 m
dappled  ['dæpld]a.  斑纹的, 花斑的
- z# W2 I' A- g: C! k5 Cdrowsy: 昏昏欲睡的$ {; K5 n" x3 H3 r
groovy  groov•y /ˈgruːvi/ adj old-fashioned informal
5 L4 A: @- R5 Fa word meaning fashionable, modern, and fun, used especially in the 1960s+ Z0 V, A5 |9 {3 V. G+ H
snoop around: 窥探/ W& y% H: q+ F0 t+ W7 c
be walled off: strange& T  |' N3 F8 Y! |0 B6 V: V
repent: 懊悔
( k: H! p! a1 I9 ?clean the slate 摆脱责任, 免除义务
! H$ C+ y, C. }; U& E5 O2 E* atear up: 撕碎
1 h; |) j( M7 D4 Sinfestation: [C, U] (instance of) infesting or being infested (指有害的鸟兽昆虫等)大批出没, 侵扰, 骚扰: an infestation of cockroaches 蟑螂的侵扰.4 j2 f5 N' n( a- u5 Q
no-no  'no-no
* q* h: L2 Z6 mn [singular] informal
7 Q" J2 E/ N& }. x! S7 e) j" [something that you must not do because it is considered to be unacceptable behaviour
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-28 01:33 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-29 03:17 | 显示全部楼层
! E" ^* g- F& K2 ?  @# YCareless: a.粗心的;随便的;(of)不关心的& Z4 E4 B2 V7 p7 A* ]# p) }
Runway model: T台模特
/ Z0 ~1 G- Q+ I: L; m( @1 hboredom  [ˈbɔ:dəm]n.厌烦,厌倦;乏味,无聊" b, v' j2 D! E' q. ?9 r1 ^$ C$ G
cut short  中断,打断2 ^2 z$ h/ K0 x
airway: the passage in your throat that you breathe through( z7 M" c- S, h; p1 |
intubate: 把管子插入
1 Y. {, `5 l* u$ Y- p9 mgown: 女礼服,长袍' k# d5 G8 V- M$ M4 k9 }
treachery: 背叛
% H& [* F% B/ a; R& }( p  Y, ^9 @give sth a shot: 看一看$ e& Y; ?' x- [! _! m: X! t" E
left and right6 B5 k0 W# A3 N" \" g  O
notch  [nɔtʃ]n.Ⅴ字形刻良,山间窄路
/ p) A: x$ O7 ediaper: 尿布' G6 P' l3 k7 K
pop pills to take too many pills
5 ?$ N( w; d2 e5 x1 b  Z  x) v' D& ]ground sb in sth give sb good teaching or basic training in (a subject) (在某学科上)给某人良好的教导或基本训练3 i5 G5 D/ m  r7 m/ F
as happy as a clamAmE informal very happy% _: A8 v* s' _( N
AmE informal someone who does not say what they are thinking or feeling
$ a4 s+ r) p8 J$ d. k/ E# cwomb: 子宫7 N8 b  ?( y2 ~
crotch  / krɔtʃ; krɑtʃ/ (also crutch) n place where a person's legs, or trouser legs, join at the top (人体的)胯部; 裤裆.
, K: X) t1 O, _' tbasket case  'basket case
2 V) A! W6 j8 ?1 ~( k/ j& m8 gn [C]
; K. a4 [5 D% z4 e0 `1 o1 {5 y informal someone who you think is crazy
2 x$ ~- {( w3 i* a$ _5 Mpoach  [pәutʃ]
; X5 p  B7 a' S8 Dvt.  水煮(蛋), 偷猎, 侵入, 窃取
& ?0 l$ j/ P7 qvi.  偷猎, 陷入泥中
/ Z! S5 d. v+ ^/ D[法] 偷猎, 偷渔, 偷捕2 W* j$ U3 H6 w2 g8 m
Unseemly:不合适的( a  F/ t6 L5 l' P" k
Reap: 获得,得到7 H" F$ T- {+ C" s
go up in `smoke (a) be completely burnt 被烧光
0 @4 n$ \2 ?3 }  B- Smarijuana: 大麻: D* m7 E* I$ M2 o
string out [string sth⇔out] phr v
$ u& q& `; C! H2 q, minformal to make something continue longer than it should" F' G$ `% n$ C( d
lame: 差劲的" j# X3 t6 ]8 ?
padlock: 挂锁,禁止进入; c: }* X* J+ q( b0 d
low-down: 偷偷摸摸,卑鄙的4 R. @/ R+ j9 d5 R& _
upscale: relating to people from a high social class who have a lot of money
1 P% Y$ R% Q. U8 @3 {& X+ L) edoobie: a marijuana cigar
( n8 W5 \. z) B* Fstraighten out: 更正,改正1 @3 M  w2 \* I+ q! T$ E5 O
( d- |, H' L' s+ L5 m/ f8 mback out: 退出
# S! E' {/ K+ L, ~dorky: someone who you think is or looks stupid
% h+ S$ ]( u- V2 J1 Cfestive: 欢乐的% }+ |! G: |' I% \+ }$ n8 a
christening: a Christian religious ceremony at which a child is officially given a name and becomes a member of a Christian church% z! M0 Y5 I( `; l5 y5 n
cap off: 盖过,超过: G+ W/ i3 T) S( i3 J
marabou: its soft feathers used as trimming, eg for a hat 秃鹳的细软羽毛(用作帽饰等).
! G9 P6 x7 @; m: ]Hand-beaded: 手工镶嵌的
. E6 H3 j1 d& b! KRummage: 翻找,寻找! c: V" V% j& p; ~7 I! H
Yell: 呼喊
' L6 b, \  P* S) m' o6 OMake a scene: 当场大吵
# m* z3 S7 |4 ?: ]Cause a scene: 引起大吵
) n% B" N6 Z( q) r' i  o1 aBonehead: 蠢人7 V7 t3 k- {+ v- G+ ?/ |2 @* \- f
Extramarital: 婚外的+ X0 K4 L% P0 x( V/ `
newsflash  ['nju:zflæʃ]n.  简明新闻
' F8 d$ W, [: J  j0 gpremise: 土地,财产8 _2 y2 d" r9 b1 _
demon: 恶魔
0 G! Z$ R, @: D0 `2 G. I% xcompassion: 同情
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发表于 2007-5-29 09:21 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-5-29 11:35 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-30 09:35 | 显示全部楼层
S1105 x/ D% @" A8 e
Exhilarate: 欢快的,兴奋的  i6 N& D" R! Q4 P
wave off [wave sb⇔off] phr v to wave goodbye to someone as they leave  T2 q1 D* V4 ?" q
pity: 同情,怜悯
& }' l. h: X5 K' x3 Fwould you be a lamb? 能乖乖的吗?
- a" \9 `9 @+ M2 S. V8 cvillain  [ˈvilən]8 B: k( m- H( Q4 S6 N+ N
n.反派演员,反面人物;恶棍;问题的起因, _, P3 f  ~  L! `6 |# @( r
deceitful: 欺诈的* v% T: l% f& i5 `- D8 k6 ^
magistrate  [ˈmædʒistreit, -strit]
- O* }4 I2 }0 e7 m' J% @. h; Mn.地方行政官,地方法官,治安官) B& ^0 R+ w( U9 A$ P& N: A  l  Q4 c
dispense: 分配,分发;配(药),发(药);实施
' M! I% _9 m" D" s( D  i+ ]cast: 演员表
  O) F" Y) Z' q. `bail: 保释
8 c7 _" \* ?9 F  {+ S# U  Wbe hospitalized: 在住院8 g: k. w) X) @( ], W
remand: 押候
: N* Y- v( Q, Q4 ?. C1 h( G( T0 O5 hBrussels sprouts: 汤菜
4 Q, C, `) c; q+ `9 u* {Cauliflower: 花菜1 j) e& N# B- @( {/ r6 O/ b% o
Gabbage: 洋白菜
; B6 _. c% L* o8 b( M# Y* IDeep down: 实际上,心理上% q. `' l% E2 o: j
Get sb under the gun for sth: 催某人很急要什么东西% s7 A: e5 @  s
Fornicate: 私通( j7 D4 F* p# m+ K2 l
Impound: 扣押,保管
  J" n$ s0 n. p8 j: }, _# KBe a lot to handle:难以处理
" s. W( ~/ b; N# A" ?+ x1 a8 E; eoverrate  [,әuvә'reit]  X1 w$ l4 ^8 V# Y' x
vt.  评价过高, 高估, 估价过高
7 K4 K) r2 X, D$ Y2 a0 X[经] 对...估价过高, 高估
+ o0 U) F, p4 YPilot light: 指示灯3 I" ^# l0 S% r7 X" P$ `1 w: ~
wired  / Y7 B( e- G( z( p& t! W
wired /waɪəd US waɪrd/ adj ( C. R! B: D- p5 s$ u' c+ r+ H. y
AmE informal feeling very active and excited, especially because you have drunk a lot of coffee or taken a drug
5 U% a0 k; ^5 i+ D5 Npsycoanalyze: 心理分析( P5 r! D1 U* O5 M3 B
compulsive: 强制性的" Z. @3 ]: {' v$ }3 Y
stiletto: 细高跟) Y" n# c6 O  V
at large: 逍遥法外的
; u' H2 C  b! u" f9 u+ zflip on sb: 供出某人
4 s1 x, Q" {- l2 [4 m0 b* Eplay hardball informal 3 J4 _) Y# ]7 Y: G9 [; H' s) g: H
to be very determined to get what you want, especially in business or politics
# r3 @; J  a3 P2 l7 {% Y2 j3 o9 [ill gotten gains: 非法所得
: G( x) [) h  {1 \3 hkosta boda: 瑞典水晶的一个牌子
6 g7 |/ l0 p  {2 k7 i$ Qscare up: 凑合
8 L- Y+ y4 i( z( ]' B# r( j  g6 {odds and ends: 琐碎物品
/ `; O6 l1 K- J5 I+ {dawn on: 理解& N# C* L7 t, [# O: G+ T8 h6 M
be in bad shape: 情况很糟2 o* A: {; N$ o* K. q
reposses: 收回" y* a" \  k, j2 ~
turtle: 海龟
, F  F- \1 S) ^$ L5 U" Yproclaim: 声称,宣称; J& H0 @) I! n: B# G% c; s
false panel:假的镶嵌板
6 P+ X; \) {; x2 S7 Q3 ~6 Yspare key: 备用key
: j& A( M( a8 Eposse: 地方武装
9 u1 e! v" }' r% @$ osmell you: 看看你
* E  L  ~. h/ {. ?! _9 ~crack up: 撞坏, 衰退, 吹捧
! w9 }5 f5 }) H" ^- f6 J+ e$ P, Wbourbon  6 V$ ^3 u3 |) ^. d! O! U) W- `
bour•bon /ˈbuəbən US ˈbəːr-/ n [U]
- z5 e* l& U3 ][Date: 1800-1900; Origin: Bourbon county in Kentucky]/ Y" U3 |$ E" G) w1 P- E  I
a type of American whisky6 _0 s" m' v6 l5 e2 l. I4 d
squirrelly: 古怪的
3 m- \2 L" o$ a; ^$ A% N- Tlean on sb: 依靠某人
7 A, d  G: P5 U) K$ K6 ncrush: a strong feeling of romantic love for someone, especially one that a young person has for someone older who they do not know well% [# y! J9 y' F4 T% s% V% i) l, W9 L
brazen: 厚颜的
" X: m8 d( Q  D( `/ X- o1 Y+ wtacitly: 心照不宣的( S  b4 R. k2 _5 @6 x
veggies: AmE a vegetable
8 x" }3 }+ d' ^6 \, x# c% q  fresh veggies7 u0 `/ P3 D; i) O
sly: 狡猾的
5 m5 p" h$ x6 i8 `/ O5 Z/ T2 _vindictive: 报复性的
% o; Q! q/ B; q6 b$ zeviscerate: 取出内脏
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-31 06:02 | 显示全部楼层
% F- b7 ^4 `/ zover sb's `head to a position of authority higher than sb (升)至比某人高的职位; 超越某人
7 ~' M. l. s! X7 g: gbreakable: 易碎品
/ _! L6 _& Y3 sdisparage: 贬低
+ l  }* j/ a$ d' r# t% v% b1 M. kdownright: 彻底的,直率的
8 c6 w) s  T9 v" o6 O% b. vvanish without a trace: 消失得无影无踪
+ k% j7 P, g  N0 Q  n, mprimal: 初级的,原始的' J+ h4 Z6 g( z/ G2 Y
wretched: 讨厌的,可怜的,
& Y# ^& f( I- r! P4 ]9 f9 |' [& qa wretched pig of woman: 讨厌的猪一样的女人
& o1 ~' `' A4 o1 Y! K/ n/ N; yjump on: 扑向,jump on sth, 赶紧做某事" T# o, n- C. A9 W
roach: 蜚蠊, 油虫$ N3 m, ~, S; D$ u- ?8 _# O% b
recuperate: 恢复健康,复原0 `" [5 a9 b) s3 P1 [7 A" }
embolism: blockage of an artery or a vein caused by a clot of blood, an air-bubble, etc 栓塞$ x/ H; s/ R, C. V
grudge: 怨恨3 o) j7 G9 s4 P  E9 M
hock: 典当,踝关节, 德国产白葡萄酒, 服刑所
( W* a) ]+ Q5 d( f& A9 jembezzle: 贪污,挪用9 ]+ V( b6 q) X# Z4 E9 D7 H+ i
washer  ['wɒʃә]# v' v3 s6 _- D$ V  v9 s, Y
n.  洗衣人, 垫圈, 洗衣机9 ]$ {% |5 [& h/ K0 G  u; U
faucet: 水龙头3 W9 p( h: b* C
catch sb in bed with another guy: 抓奸在床9 w( O0 Q0 V- l# c3 a; M
robe: 睡袍2 O% Q. e% e3 x  c" ]- H% T5 `
revolving platform: 旋转展台" M. x' |" n& i( W) L
swing a sword: 舞剑
- u. @4 [' n# \: u* x8 O! X. Q5 ?9 V+ Nwarrior: 武士
) c0 Q8 P! T) m. Z7 v, wextortionist: 强取豪夺者
% ?, V+ C2 v+ g. Z3 {; w! d; \2 @adultery: 通奸
) H! S/ [: _9 s2 C$ T) nimposition: 强征
# r& K" A/ a6 m7 Y& s' Q3 K& Y8 Canal retentive
2 e2 d# s, K( S* G+ ~showing too much concern with small details, especially in a way that annoys other people - used to show disapproval
2 `& s6 g$ o" F, Y0 C6 k/ Uretentive: 有记忆力的
1 G) _2 D3 M0 Dpop out  
% O9 {7 g* z& C  R1 e(突然)熄灭, (突然)死去% h0 M% J. L% e. {
Off guard: 不设防的
: z1 P) f% B! A. _) ?' W8 q# z: S6 `& jRetract: 收回
! J9 t7 K% w/ x+ @7 ]+ {dazzle  ['dæzl]
* @% |2 H& v8 Q! }+ {' ivt.  (使)眼花, 炫耀- Z% Q" t7 {7 g4 r+ e0 K- S) D+ }
vi.  (使)眼花, 炫耀
1 c0 o. L3 v$ h: R2 Rn.  耀眼. [7 N+ E8 F( S. {, t
[医] 眩耀, 眩光, 眩目
- Y$ l5 o, l, B: X# ELoathe: 厌恶5 h# w5 w; u& x% ]
Inflammation: 发炎. p0 W8 y' O2 {- ?0 e2 @8 h! w/ i- A
Abduction: 绑架
5 P8 |2 m3 p) B4 vbe a sucker for sb/sth informal $ N* O5 r( C) @# ?2 s2 `# L
to like someone or something very much, especially so that you cannot refuse them* k* p$ \4 L' t; H2 y1 Z6 g
, j, o  D$ l2 O% D1 r! r2 yshop your little heart out: 开心购物
7 h" U9 S. \% Z; T5 E0 G6 M& p- gundue: 过度的
2 Z& K; A7 N/ g, _- Z# Pcompost: 混合肥料
4 }6 e& t; _) @5 T0 ostunning: 极富魅力的
/ N9 F7 y% y5 `have/get the hots for sb informal , z2 j! r+ e3 ?9 G! I: L" r7 p+ J
to be sexually attracted to someone
- O/ [8 I& ?- @& U' }lust  [lʌst]+ e/ w: `5 P7 @+ N
n.性(淫)欲;渴(欲)望 vi.对…有强烈的欲望
" ~! M6 W* i0 L7 N  C8 @! `# F& gdime: 10分硬币
& P1 ~0 d7 |5 s4 a  H0 lbudge: 妥协
+ `' U7 {. |5 P1 e& O; l7 S, ]. s" Cturn on  
) m6 g% _/ y8 p5 r" U  @开, 开始, 变得兴奋, 突然显出
1 Q8 N1 b, ]# X* V9 DEven-keeled: 稳健的! Y; K( d$ O, t8 r) w6 p! h+ W' p
Buster Brown was a comic strip character created in 1902 by Richard Felton Outcault which was known for his association with the Brown Shoe Company.
( ]% \/ J3 j7 A' `/ _: MDull: 乏味的;阴沉的;低沉的;笨的;钝的
: B. f) h# [+ S) A5 O% I  dplastered  2 g5 Q/ ]$ ?+ b/ o
plas•tered /ˈplɑːstəd US ˈplæstərd/ adj [not before noun]
& j3 h1 ^- T- ]4 I; Q: W2 y! |+ Ainformal very drunk$ k( k. L8 _# Q; c1 C
mistletoe  ['misltәu]
% _3 L0 Z; U' Qn.  槲寄生属植物
+ a, ?2 v% ]  v+ X0 t/ s) f[医] 槲寄生(跗寄生属植物通称)
0 r% T$ l! |1 L) q. w! b6 tVagabond: 浪荡子
8 S9 }7 h/ Z4 `7 l8 s& x' AStray: 走失5 V) }0 N- n1 s) T2 ?
Grope: 摸索7 a+ k! P( `) s% M, G
It will snow on the top of the hell: 绝对不可能的
( x9 z# ]2 ?" Z% o6 JSniffle: 抽鼻子9 c6 y: M: A3 N7 `7 [- }5 M. ]
Nasal strip: 鼻涕! K$ S6 g) a( d7 `
Vicious:  严重的; {& J" B( M, S6 E5 w
Screw around: 乱搞
; @4 G, v- f/ \: T8 E4 z, l& Hpushover  ['puʃ,әuvә]
; I* \* F/ d4 B3 l3 G7 u" Gn.  容易做的工作, 易被劝服的人, 易被击败的人) D0 l, q, y5 U+ I% T
get to sb: 影响某人+ P+ T1 i- k1 t4 v; M) K: T% [
moray: 海鳝: o5 a. G& R: z/ X" p- S1 B
eel: 鳝鱼
; e5 W3 F. j: G6 N' o4 dback and forth: 针锋相对
" f6 M) x' F) {" v' N3 I, c0 I0 m1 m, xcompanionship: 陪伴
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-1 10:38 | 显示全部楼层
S112, u8 S# r% S- z: i
Undone: 未完成的
+ c$ Z8 I8 }3 V, q$ N: a# Nscout  [skaut]
. V3 w: \1 q+ v/ @n.侦察员(机、舰);童子军 vi.侦察8 I. p, z7 h5 I
Hollywood talent scout: 好莱坞星探/ ]( k7 a9 I# U
sweep sb off his feet overwhelm sb with emotion, esp with love 使某人倾心(尤指因爱情)
2 @* l* O$ s+ mget wind of: 得到风声) j" j/ @+ j$ p! c/ m3 D2 H
contaminate the crime scene: 破坏犯罪现场
7 r" f0 d! a9 {) @) u8 btake a rain check (on sth)
5 U) p; n! l" v, `- E* f# \informal especially AmE used to say that you will do something in the future but not now
, V; ^: F4 M+ F+ blug: 用力拉
+ @: ]1 U  r$ l1 K, V2 M9 ^$ O' Ssprout  [spraut]
: @5 S' ~) k2 L8 gvi.发芽;迅速出现 vt.长出 n.新芽,嫩枝
$ b$ C: F: x3 Gget pissed: 惹麻烦$ I) X; ~* j; \3 O
economize: 节约
9 U$ K7 e; I" e, n9 k9 hCouture  
  a  P5 }7 P2 A( @0 \0 b# A1 vdie  时装设计。时装设计师。女装设计师。女裁缝。4 Z2 x1 I7 Q/ G4 f7 r  [
shed light on  
% F6 d7 e/ W5 I2 S; m: P同义throw light on使某物清楚显示9 y2 k& C0 G& C5 ]3 f) [5 b1 c
Vulture: n.秃鹰,兀鹰
: T% z7 G! b9 Usordid  [ˈsɔ:did]+ t( Z, T5 p3 k/ @, ~  f. x
/ m9 H6 h8 y6 Q4 H2 Z" b5 k8 E& ibruise: 乌青2 C- H8 C- i; d0 i
molest: 性侵犯* S! b: k* H& Z% R5 \8 T
in lieu of  9 i5 o! W* U  U1 Z: c
作为...的替代, 代替...
8 J! w% M* q( H) x4 t8 Y- I, Z[法] 代替, 作为...的替代
3 v2 h6 T8 s5 H8 r( y2 I( m2 ]! Tdemise  [diˈmaiz]  ~. ]$ {! y& s8 y
n.死* a; @, H; P, l4 F/ y0 J3 o' F
angiograph  ( b6 w+ m8 M# ?# y
[医] 血管造影照片* y1 r: F8 V; Z7 x$ M
cranky  ['kræŋki]6 t# r9 u7 H' T. q3 W* c: j4 l% t
a.  古怪的, 暴躁的, 脾气坏的
- Z7 N, \! I, V4 j! v" bdown time , D8 i/ S, j% B% T6 G* a
informal a period of time when you have finished what you were doing, and you can relax or do something that you had not originally planned to do
! Z' O% l' P" O* _  T. D5 n4 Gmundane  [mʌnˈdein]9 \- l* p' V* ]2 L+ q, x, o
4 s( E% b. |/ q+ t- D: ]! kgrovel  ['grɒvl]
$ L+ m) z! Y3 Z' r; t/ \- p3 Hvi.  趴, 匍匐, 卑躬屈膝; N4 N6 v' v) Y9 M9 Q
suck up: 拍马屁
( b: K0 a+ i  O, V2 k$ G0 t4 ~sneak up to: 鬼鬼祟祟。蹑手蹑脚
. f4 {3 G4 Q2 ?. A7 bfelon  [ˈfelən]
& \1 o* Z' U4 H# @% B' h" Jn.罪犯
% C$ y" X) k- A* hsteamy  
$ F0 S! D$ b1 t, ~) i' Esteam•y /ˈstiːmi/ adj
" Q1 \" z- b- ~$ B$ N full of steam or covered in steam3 `7 }4 {2 m3 b/ k! {) g2 S
  steamy windows3 O7 W& ?' n+ _
sexually exciting and slightly shocking: Z/ e6 S0 @9 o3 z3 p
  a steamy love scene
+ c1 K5 b& u9 [6 r3 |& b% l$ r a steamy day or steamy weather feels hot and humid
2 m8 T; {, v) J: ?8 y( Vsqueeze the triger: 扣动扳机& }+ m' z4 }9 |& u, M2 Q  K3 w" ?
macaroon  [,mækә'ru:n]
9 R+ n, f: P2 ^- R+ k6 i1 L3 V# `$ In.  蛋白杏仁饼干
! Y1 j- E6 n; P) aperky  [ˈpə:ki]' c6 W7 j9 @8 I+ E$ }
; t% l6 L: @# Zmalt  [mɔ:lt]
1 Y! Z, [. f4 W$ z0 I/ p5 }n.麦芽酒;啤酒+ K) ?* X$ c+ |5 a
tumor  [ˈtju:mə, ˈtu:-]
& e! B4 u" Z$ L) K( V: m5 @$ \n.肿瘤,肿块" O5 s/ f6 I& B! o
ulterior  [ʌlˈtiəriə]' E- k+ i* _8 {! K1 c$ d) Z  b
a.隐秘的, ^$ S$ I6 p* a2 C
gut  [gʌt]0 g3 U8 |0 Q" |# g! t
n.[ pl.]胆量;内脏 a.本能的 vt.取出内脏
5 k7 B4 M( h/ [  {- E9 Q; Xrack up  - Q/ s! W( u3 J: X) K- P
获胜, 击倒) ~4 s% n0 K6 ^; @
potluck7 C! S1 |8 P3 }6 n" s3 B7 f
AmE + y- [; l: }/ X* ~, o9 O5 r
a meal in which everyone who is invited brings something to eat: ?6 h& [- k( ]% i: P9 S
Sewer: n.排水沟,下水道
0 C" \) M& R: J" r* Ddrain  [drein]
0 `9 S: m4 M8 I& z  u% I0 d5 b( I$ bvt.排走,排水 vi.减少 n.耗竭;排水沟
3 q& [2 s5 r, |sideline  ['saidlain]8 `# k% r# j) a) B: U3 l0 J7 D
n.  副业, 旁线, 界线, 兼职, 旁观者看法" v' b: o% Q3 o3 \
vt.  使退出比赛场地8 m3 U9 A$ K3 \, G1 J7 f6 ?
[经] 持旁观的立场
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发表于 2007-6-2 17:32 | 显示全部楼层
4 D( E) Y5 \  ~" A6 f0 C, I
+ n1 `  A. s) K8 l  E坚持 $送花$ $送花$ % o  q" f: O. r
" e5 \) f" M5 x4 j* x
掌握外语 词汇量最关键
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发表于 2007-6-4 19:04 | 显示全部楼层
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